Chapter 11

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In the grand halls of King Stefan's castle, the air was thick with tension. The two kings, Stefan and Rothbart, had gathered in secret to discuss a matter of grave importance. Maleficent, the once-beloved fairy of the kingdom, had become a formidable force in the Enchanted Grove, and her powers were growing stronger with each passing day.

King Stefan, a man driven by fear and ambition, paced the room while King Rothbart observed him with a shrewd eye. Both knew that they had to find a way to neutralize Maleficent before her magic became an insurmountable threat.

Stefan turned to Rothbart, his voice a low, urgent whisper. "We cannot allow Maleficent to continue unchecked. Her magic grows stronger with every sunrise. I fear she will become a danger to us all."

Rothbart nodded in agreement. "I have heard rumors of her power spreading beyond the Enchanted Grove. The creatures of the forest whisper of her might. We must act swiftly and decisively."

The two kings huddled closer, their voices barely more than murmurs in the dimly lit chamber. Stefan, however, had a plan. A plan that he believed could be the key to their victory.

"I have a proposition, Rothbart," Stefan began, his eyes gleaming with a sinister glint. "Maleficent was once close to me. We shared a bond, a connection. If I were to approach her, perhaps I could sway her to our side."

Rothbart's brows furrowed, and he regarded Stefan with skepticism. "Approach her? Stefan, do you truly believe that she would willingly align herself with us after what has transpired?"

Stefan's smile was chilling. "No, Rothbart, not willingly. But Maleficent once had a heart, a heart that cared for me. If she believes that I have changed, that I seek redemption, she may lower her guard. And when the time is right, we can strike."

Rothbart considered Stefan's plan carefully. It was a risky gambit, but it was also their best chance to rid themselves of Maleficent's growing threat.

"Very well, Stefan," Rothbart finally conceded. "We shall proceed with your plan. But be warned, Maleficent is no fool. She will not be easily deceived."

Stefan nodded, a calculating glint in his eye. "I understand the risks, Rothbart. But if we succeed, we will rid ourselves of Maleficent's curse once and for all."

With their sinister scheme set into motion, King Stefan and King Rothbart knew that the fate of their kingdom hung in the balance. The power of Maleficent's magic was a force to be reckoned with, and the two kings were prepared to go to great lengths to ensure their victory, even if it meant deceiving the once-beloved fairy and leading her down a treacherous path.

Little did they know that Maleficent's own journey towards darkness had already begun, and the consequences of their actions would be far-reaching and devastating.

As the kings continued to discuss their treacherous plan, their words were laced with deceit and malevolence, setting the stage for the darkness that would soon descend upon their kingdom.

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