Hetalia: ~SpaMano~

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Antonio smiled at his loaded ship, every other thought escaping his mind.
Especially his son Romano.
He was too caught up in his own happiness and ship business he forgot.
He forgot how much Romano hated to be alone, and how much he couldn't handle loneliness.
Or- was he just oblivious to this?
On the other hand Romano, was sitting on the ship on one of the loaded barrels of alcohol.
He didn't want to see Toni go. He was the only one he had, even if he hated to admit it.
Long ago Roderick had split him and his younger brother, Feliciano up and gave him to Antonio so he could look after him.
That was terrible.
He hasn't seen Feli since, and Antonio is the only one he wants to socialize with now..he hates everyone else...believe it or not.
No one knew since that day he had grown depression, and the only one who could keep him happy without realizing it was Antonio.
Damn, he really loves him. Even if he's too stubborn to admit any feelings towards the Spaniard.
He crossed his arms and huffed, watching the waves roll over the shore and tried to block out the yelling crew mates.
"Hola?! Antonio! Your dumb child's on the ship again! Darn stowaway!"
Antonio looked over at Romano, his green eyes lighting up and his smile growing wider.
"Roma~! I told you! You can't travel with me!" He ran onto the ship and picked up the younger male, then set him down on the wooden boards.
Romano looked up at Antonio and furrowed his eyebrows, anger and sadness obviously plastered on his face.
"Stop telling me that. I'm going with you."
Antonio frowned and sighed.
"Its more dangerous and scary than you think it is Romano... I just want to keep you safe...you're my world."
The younger stubborn male rolled his eyes and shoved Antonio to the side slightly.
"Stop treating me like a child. I'm older. I want to go."
Antonio inhaled and picked up Romano, moving him off the ship and onto the soft, hot sand.
"Lo siento, but I can't let you come. Maybe when you're old enough you can be a crew mate!" He ran back to the ship and waved, his smile showing back onto his face.
"Te amo! I'll be back soon enough!"
And within a few minutes the ship disappeared into the horizon, leaving Romano alone on the beach.
Tears rolled down the Italians face, and soft sobs echoed, disappearing into the wind.
Romano walked back to his home and went inside, sobbing harder once he was in the comfort of his own house.
No one could know he cries.
No one could know he cries alone when Antonio leaves him.
No one.
He was this strong, stubborn kid.
There was no such thing as crying for him.
He laid on the couch and fell asleep, dreaming about Antonio and hoping he would come back sooner than he usually does.
Romano finished his morning chores and picked the tomatoes from the garden, smiling at the red fruits.
It had been two months since Antonio left, and to be honest he was getting slightly worried, but he tried to shrug it off.
'Show no emotion.' Is his motto. He must follow it.
He hummed and picked more tomatoes, but stopped mid pick when neighbors started screaming and hollering.
He walked over to the ruckus and saw all the people sobbing, and gasping at the news they had just been told.
He huffed and pushed through the crowd, getting to the messenger.
"Why is everyone sad?"
The messenger looked down at him and wiped away a single tear.
He kneeled down and placed a soft hand on his shoulder, sniffling.
"I'm sorry son. But your father's armada has crashed."
Romano dropped the basket of tomatoes and widened his eyes.
The messenger sighed softly and looked down.
"The ships crashed- and your father has been lost. Lo siento."
Romano started crying and muttered swears at himself.
He needed to rush out of there to try to hide embarrassment.
No one had seen him cry- and if they did know they'd think of him as a small little child.
He ran out of the crowd and ran home, going inside and slammed the door.
He ran upstairs to Antonio's room and climbed his desk chair, sitting in it and looking at maps and plans.
When he was old enough he was going to find his father.
One way- or another.
He grabbed a pencil and wrote down notes and ideas, to figure out the best plan to sail the sea.
His father had told him time and time again that it was scary and dangerous out there.
He can fight off anything.
He spent all night writing down stuff that flashed his brain, and tried to stay awake..but...passed out from exhaustion.
He snored softly and opened his eyes, examining the papers he wrote on last night.
"Hah- id-e-a.." He muttered tiredly and got out of the chair, bringing the small piece of paper with him.
He was going to get started on his plan, even if he wasn't old enough to sail, it was still a good idea to get ready for when he's older.
He gathered everything he needed in the next course of months.
Another two months went by and he had collected everything important he needed for sailing.
His dark brown eyes darted at all of the useful items and a chuckle came out, he felt successful.
'Success feels great.' He thought.
It brought him joy to finally have everything he needed. All he needed now is a crew and to be older.
Nine years rolled by.
Romano had turned sixteen, and which he thought was old enough to sail.
Of course, he had no hope in finding his father..it's been years.
He was probably dead by now.
But it was worth a shot.
Romano gathered everything onto his new ship and secured it, making sure he would  not lose anything during the process of getting to an island out to sea.
He smiled at the ocean and called his members aboard so he could set sail.
He laughed and discussed things with everyone, as the ship started moving quickly into the deep areas of the ocean.
He had prepared for this day for years, and today was finally the day he would be reunited with his father.
He was filled with happiness, and he couldn't wait to see and hear his father again.
See his joy filled green eyes, his tan skin..that smile.
Ah! It was so exciting!
It had been a few hours until land had come into view.
"LAND!" One of the crew members shrieked.
Then the unthinkable happened.
While they paid attention to the land the didn't pay attention to where the ship was sailing.
The ship crashed into a rock and started sinking.
And it sank..pretty quickly.
Romano looked around frantically, trying to develop his situation. He had no idea what was going on.
"What's going o-"
Before he knew it his head was underwater and he was swimming up, gasping for air.
He looked around, shrieking for someone to help, or for any of his crewmates.
What he didn't know is they got stuck and all drowned with the ship.
He was alone again.
He sobbed loudly and swam towards the island, dipping underwater accidentally once in awhile and swimming back up gasping for air.
He swam to the island and stopped swimming once he felt sand.
He crawled up the sand and laid in it, looking up at the sky and sobbed harder, coughing and choking from how much water he had inhaled from swimming.
He paced his breathing to a nice pattern and calmed himself from crying.
He needed to find his father..I mean..this was the island he was sailing to.
He got up and coughed up water, wobbling into the woods and looked around at the dark area.
He walked for what seemed like hours and came upon a small hut, human made.
He limped to it and through the door open, horrified to what he saw.
He came all this way for nothing.
His father laid there in the hay, dead with a note beside him.
It read,
'To whomever may be reading this. Hopefully my dearest son, Romano Vargas. I love you with all my heart, and I never wanted to leave you. Ever. That was definitely not my intention. I mean..I didn't want to leave you for good. Like I said. You mean the world to me, and I'm doing this all of us. So we can be rich and live in wealth. I want to do it for you. I want you to be proud of your papa. But, I realized once my ship crashed and there was no way to survive..there was no way I would see you again. No way I could hold you in my arms and tell you I'm home, and I'm alright. Not this time. I'm writing this to you my son. I love you. So much. I'm so sorry..but I must leave this world, there is no other way out. I'm starving..and cold...and scared. I just want to see you again..to make it better.
Goodbye. I'm going to die.'
Romano stared at the in awestruck note, his hands and body trembling.
He couldn't believe this. All this trouble for nothing.
He's now gone forever and he never got to say goodbye.
Tears rolled down his face as he stared at his father's cold, lifeless body.
He wanted his father back.
So little time wasted because of his stupid stubborn ways, and he didn't get to say goodbye to his own father before he left and died.
He's dead.
Romano collapsed onto the floor and cried, crawling to his father's body and holding it tightly.
"I love you too. I am proud. I'm so sorry."
"Its all my fault."
Romano muttered over and over again, as he rocked back and forth, slowly losing his sense of reality.
This was supposed to be treasure island..where all your dreams come true and you become rich from the treasure here.
All lies.
All Romano got out of this was insanity and losing his Father.
Now he was truly alone.
No one.
He was stranded on this island.
He had no one to talk to.
Everyone is gone. They probably don't even care.
Death seems like the only option right now at this point.
It echoed and banged around Romanos head like a marching band.
It clung and sucked blood out of him, replacing his blood with venom.
Something was calling him.
He had to do it.
Romano set down Antonio's body softly and kissed his forehead, saying goodbye to him.
He stood up and inhaled, getting a cloth and wrapping Antonio's body in it, so he could bury him before he came to his own death.
He dragged the body outside and dug a hole big enough.
He put Antonio's body down softly into the ditch and covered him, before standing up again and wiping off his hands.
He sighed softly and looked around for ways out.
He needed to leave.
He grabbed Antonio's sword and put it to his throat, he pressed gently against his skin but before he could harm himself a high pitched Italian accent rang out from the distance.
"Ciao?! Fratello is that you?!"
Romano turned and dropped the sword, along with his jaw.
The Italian giggled and ran to Romano, squeezing him tightly in his arms.
"I missed you! When did you get here?!"
Feliciano pulled away to think. "Hmm- years ago! Heh! Recently I had just built a boat to go home! Wanna come with me?! Wait- where's antonio?!"
Romano frowned and tears fell down his cheeks at hearing his name.
"He's dead. He came here and died."
"Its all my fault."
The smaller Italian patted Romanos head and shook his own head.
"No...it's not...I knew about his plans..coming here for wealth...it's not your fault...there was just no way out."
Romano nodded and agreed with his smaller brother.
"Can we leave now?"
Feliciano nodded and pulled Romano to his handmade boat, pretty stable in the water.
Romanos frown turned into a smile and he put a thumb out.
"Great work."
They felt the sunsets warmth on their backs, and the wind flow freely through their hair.
This was freedom.
They were off the island, and were going home.
The island was to never be talked about again, they were leaving it behind and trying to leave the bad experiences there with it.
They were finally leaving unharmed.
Except Romano's heart.
Romano would never forget this, and his heart will never stop aching until he's reunited with his father once again. 
They both got on the boat, and within a few hours they were back home, safe and sound.
Romano took his brother inside and sent him off to bed, while he went into his own room and sat on his bed, dark thoughts biting him and attacking him.
He grabbed his head and bit his lip, trying to grip onto reality, as he felt himself slipping.
He squeezed his eyes shut and laid on his bed, muttering to himself that he wanted the thoughts to go away.
Wanted them to just...
Months later Romano sat at home, staring out the window, trying to forget all of those terrible memories.
They brought him pain, and every time he thought about them he would slip on his grip of reality, and go insane to the point where his depression gets worse.
Luckily, his brother Feliciano stays there every once in awhile.
So he can help with things.
This experience will stick with him for the rest of his life.
He'll never forget it.
Even if he tries.
But for the time being he puts it behind him so he can live on, he tries not to stay stuck in the past.
Because that is not a way to live life.
Then again, how do you live life when every night images of your dead father's cold, lifeless body spark into your dreams?
It's like an old song I know all the words to but haven't heard in a long time.
The End.

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