Part 1

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Part 1
"Little things don't go unnoticed."

Sierra is a Ex-medic for the republic and early empire, she recently deserted the empire with Crosshair  after escaping Barton IV. They are now travelling in a stolen Rho-Class Transport stolen from the empire

*This was written before season 3, their will be connections to season 3 once it's released*
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"We have enough fuel to get to Felucia." Sierra spoke quietly in the empty transport with her clone friend.

He looked to her. "What's on Felucia?" He asks her, his armour still intact with the heat blanket from the first aid draped over his shoulders.

Sierra looked on the nav system. "I still own a house on Felucia, supplies, a ship etc." she put in the co-ordinates. "I've disable the tracking system but they've reported this ship as missing so we will need to make a quick escape."

There was a long silence. "Get some rest, Cross, your on the verge of hypothermia and your hypotensive."

Sierra stood up and grabbed herself a blanket. She always cared for others before herself, which is why she was an amazing medic on the field and got the highest rank in her quadrant. She then went back to sit down, prepared the hyperdrive before going into hyperspace. She placed the blanket over herself and watched the stars go by.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this." Crosshair said.

Sierra turned to him. "I could've left you to die alone or to be captured, I made my call." She said. "You and your squad were the highlight of my week when I got to save you guys on the field."

Crosshair let out a light chuckle, finally looking at the situation a lot more positively. An old friend, but she was more than an old friend to Crosshair. They were very good friends. With his sarcastic insults and exchanges on the field helped him get through the war. "You all would push me to my limits." She smiled. "Test me in ways I didn't know i could be tested." She laughed.

Seeing Crosshair in the state he was in brought back a lot of memories for her. He had changed- but then so had she. Wether it was just the state he was in or not, he seemed different. She hoped it wasn't permanent.

A question that bothered Sierra was the location of his brothers. Why would he be alone? Did they leave him to die out there?

She didn't want to ask, it wasn't the time. She needed to make sure that he was okay before anything else.

For around two to four hours of space travel, they both had managed to get some rest. Then it came to rechecking crosshairs vitals.

He was asleep still, so Sierra quietly got out her heart rate, blood pressure and temp monitor. Thank force that she carried them on her at all times or she would be almost useless.

She quietly went over to Crosshair in the co-pilot seat and gently grabbed his hand to place the monitor on his finger before he flinched back and hit Sierra in the face.

Sierra let out a screech as she fell back and hit her head on the dashboard behind her.

Crosshair, who was now fully aware and awake, quickly pulled the blanket of himself and got on the ground. "Sierra, I'm so sorry." He says, on the ground with her. She tried to sit up but he kept her down. "Don't get up, you hit your head." He said in panic and worry. "I swear I didn't mean to I-"

"It's okay, cross, I should've woken you up." Sierra groaned in pain, when Crosshair lifted her head up gently, feeling liquid on his hands as he did so. He quickly scrambled to find the first aid box when there was little bandages left. He grabbed the box and went back to sit on the ground with her. "I've had this happen a few times on the battlefield, all you soldiers are always on high alert." She groaned.

He placed padded cotton behind her head and dabbed the little cut she got from the impact of his fist. "I'm so sorry, Sierra." He says again.

"It's okay." She says, placing a hand on his cheek to comfort him. "Grab that thing from under the chair and place it on your finger and read me the numbers."

Crosshair placed the device on his finger and read out the following. "36.6°C, 90/60mmHg and...105BPM." 

"You need to calm down, cross." Sierra laughed. "Other than that, you seem pretty much back to normal, your body is slow heating but it's now able to heat faster than it loses heat which is what we want." She smiled. "And your behaviour is right back where it should be."

"Stop joking around Sierra." He said sternly.

A loud beep brought them out of their conversation as the ship jerked out of hyperspace. Sierra stood holding the back of her heat and rushed to her seat.

"Rho-class transport, what is your sorting code?" Came over the comms.

"Sorry, sir, our transport has been damaged and our reader is broken, if you grant us passage to land I'll be able to transfer my sort code and chain code on land." Sierra lied, she had done this before which surprised Crosshair.

"Granted." The imperial worker spoke over the comms.

"Get ready for a quick escape." Sierra told Crosshair as they came closer to the planet's atmosphere.

It was on low empire occupation, few troops on the ground in the city centre and port. Which was lucky for them, but they still had to be careful.

Sierra grabbed her grey cloak from behind her seat and placed it over her brown wavy hair and shoulders, before landing the shuttle.

Quietly and quickly they opened the shuttle ramp before troops came over and closed it as they sneaked off.

Crosshair grabbed his sniper and held onto it tightly.

Felucia was hot and humid, which was a shock to Crosshair's system causing his vision to blur slightly and cause dizziness.

The loud city centre quickly made them unnoticeable but it was still not quite safe. Crosshair kept ahold of sierras small hand to not lose her in the crowd of locals shopping in the market.

Lost Medic// Crosshair x Medic OCWhere stories live. Discover now