Part 3

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Part 3
"Big reputation"

"...these suspects are very dangerous. If you see anything suspicious report immediately."

Sierra expected to wake up to a warm pillow, instead it was the just the couch cushions. She heard the classic imperial chatter over the radio with the smell of something cooking.

She had not yet opened her eyes as she remembered the events of last night. Now, she was just embarrassed with what she could remember. She hated herself for what she said.

She opened her eyes and silently sat up to see Crosshair in the kitchen, making something on the stove. She smiled. She wished to stay for longer but they had to pack up everything today and get out.

Crosshair looked back to see Sierra watching him contently. "Morning, Sier." He said in a relaxed tone.

"What are you doing?" She asked in a groggy voice.

He moved the pan in a funny way and turned back to the stove. "Making breakfast, a little trick I learned to make rations better on the field."

"Sorry about last night, it was so stupid."

"Don't be sorry, Sier." He said. "I'm always here for you, since you somehow stick around for me." He chuckles.

Sierra smiled before standing up and heading to her bedroom to get dressed. Really, this house was a one person house so there was only a door on the refresher, the rest was open. The only thing that separated the kitchen living room and the bedroom was a small arch way.

She took her top of and sat on the bed, facing the window. Crosshair dished up the meal he had prepared and peaked into the bedroom to see what she was doing. He looked to see the outline of her upper torso, her gorgeous figure facing away from him. He knew he shouldn't be looking but he couldn't help it. She was stunning really, he didn't want to admit it. Holding someone like her in his arms last night made him feel something he had never felt.

She sat thinking of last night, with warmth she felt near him. His touch made her feel a fluttery feeling that she now craved. She wanted his hand to rest over her waist again, but she was scared he wouldn't want to.

When Sierra reached for a clean top, Crosshair quickly pulled himself out of thought and turned to what he was doing.

His grey hair was slowly returning, he placed his hand on his head and felt the stubble on his almost bare head. Why would she like him? It was a crazy thought, so he quickly tried to get rid of it.

"We need to take all the supplies to my ship undetected." Sierra announced as she came out for the bedroom. "I have ammo and weapons already on the ship, it's just things like rations and fuel."

Sierra took the plate that Crosshair offered but she looked up to him with a concerned look. "Where will we go?" She asked him.

"I'll figure something out." He said in return.

After breakfast, they began placing rations, fuel and other supplies into a crate, taking apart cross' sniper and putting in into there too.

Sierra had given her cloak to Crosshair has his clone complexion would be very noticeable to everyone.

It was a 3 minute walk to the private port that kept her ship, a friend of her late fathers owns the port so she gets repairs and free passage for nothing as long as his droids get to practice on it. She had already signalled when she landed to the port to prepare her ship. Hopefully they were given enough time.

Sierra picked up the crate but crosshair stopped her. "I'll take it." He said, Taking it from her.

"Thank you." She smiled. She quickly grabbed her medic belt and supplies and attached them to her belt before they left.

They began walking down the street. It was a quiet sunset, everyone was rallied in the city centre and they were lucky they were just out of it.

When they managed to get to the port without bother, Sierra immediately went to chamber 3 where her ship was held.

"Sierra Syala." A blue twi'lek male came from the garage. He had purple spots on his head tails and wore all black. "It's good to see you, pet." He said bringing her into a hug.

Crosshair felt a sense of jealousy bubbling when he seen that strange man wrap his arms around her and calling her 'pet'.

"How's the girls?" She asked the man.

"Getting older, and grumpier." He laughed.

"We heard that!" Two in sync female voices shouted from inside. Sierra laughed at her fathers friend, sort of like an uncle to her.

Her laugh was like music to crosshairs ears, he needed to stop thinking about her like that.

Two Twi'lek teenagers came from inside, they were the opposite of their father. Purple with blue spots. "Hi Sierra." They both say at the same time, as if it was a chore to say hi. Then they quickly returned inside, laughing and giggling about something.

"They have their own little world sometimes." The man says to them. "Who's this?" He asks.

"Just a friend helping me out." She said looking back to Crosshair with a smile. "Thank you for doing this all on short notice."

"Not a problem, my dear." He said. "I'll always be willing to help out, R3 is fully up and running, fuel to last months aboard as you left."

"Thank you, Na'lon, I'll be in your forever debt."

Once Crosshair and Sierra got on board, it was silent. There was only one bed but they would only need one anyway. Crosshair was playing about the comm system while Sierra was looking through her old stuff.

"R3?" She shouted out loud.

A few beeps and a very long beep came from a cupboard which made Sierra laugh. She opened the cupboard and a R3 droid rushed out banging into her legs almost knocking her over.

The droid was silver with yellow/orange markings. "Hello to you too, buddy." She laughed. She pointed to the cockpit and whispered. "Go give Crosshair a fright." She said quietly with a giggle.

The droid didn't protest and rushed towards the cockpit.

Quietly the R-series astromech droid let out a yell, scaring Crosshair nearly making him jump out of his seat. Sierra came through laughing without a breath.

"Why- you little.." Crosshair stood up 'angerly' and grabbed Sierra and began tickling her sides, pushing her into the co-pilot seat.

He began laughing as well as the droid protested to get him to stop as Sierra couldn't stop laughing. "Cross...Cross!" She laughed, without being able to take a breath.

When he did stop, the droid finally came silent, and there faces were a few inches apart.

Sierra calmed down and felt crosshairs breath on her cheek. She looked up to him with a racing heart and placed a hand on his cheek.

She closed her eyes and felt a soft touch on her lips. His heart was pounding against his chest as he placed a hand on her cheek when there lips were still connected.

He slowly pulled back to look at her gorgeous green eyes looking up at him. She had a smile plastered on her face, so did he.

There perfect moment was interrupted by the comm signal going off.

"This is a private Comm channel, please state your business." A familiar voice spoke.

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