Chapter 5 - Ruby White

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No ones POV
(Flash back) Before the outbreak
Ruby. Ruby ruby ruby, how does her parents put out with her? That's a question she's wonders. How dose anyone put up with her? She couldn't even tell, she was a Koran and filipino mix, that already got the kids in her school making fun of her.

She was different, she would fight other kids, would kick and but the teachers and of course she was a bully and would fall all her classes. Did she care? No. Ruby never cared about her grades or what other kids think of her. She was the daughter of a rich family. Her siblings, Dolly, Molly and frank would call her the spoiled sibling. But she didn't care to much about that as well.

She hated most kids her age but there was one kid she hated the most. Carl Grimes. She couldn't stand him and would aways mock him for whatever reason she could. She hated his guts and she hated his parents as well. She sometimes wish she could make him change schools or even move away but she couldn't.

She thought everything was fine until her and her family had to evacuate the city, she didn't understand why they had to. She throw a fit when her parents packed her stuff and bagged them not to leave there home. But she had no choice to.


So childish of her to be mean to those kids and she knew how childish she was at that time. She now wants some hope that some of them are still alive somewhere and didn't suffer as she did. She lost her family and now it's just her left of the white family. She hated herself for how she was when she was younger. How mean and selfish she was.

She just wants her family back now. To hug them and tell them how sorry she was for being such a jerk but she couldn't. They where dead. Killed in front of her by a group. She made a promise to her family that she would get revenge and kill that group and every group she ran into. It was just the world now. Full of hate, revenge and sadness.

She slammed a walker into the side of the building and was just slamming it's head into the wall until there was nothing but a bloody and chunky soup left. She was mad and keep slamming it's head in. Why did it have to be her family? Why did they have to die but she got to leave?

Ruby hated this world now. All she wants to do is just die but she can't. She wants to avenge her family and to keep the white family alive as long as she could. She just saw red and eventually was stabbing a other walker repeatedly. She was a bloody mess, she looked like she just bathed in blood but who cared? She didn't, she was trying to service as long as she could.

She eventually was walking down the road again, hungry tired and sore from the fall she had a month before. As she walked she heard a motorcycle. Impossible she thought to herself. How can someone be so loud out here?! They could get the attention of a lot of walkers. She quickly head in the bushes off the road and watched as the motorcycle stopped. The guy had arrows. She needed arrows. She just needed to take them away then she could kill him. She just needed to get close to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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