Demon vs Demon

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Well, you look fantastically horrible there, Tanjiro Kamado.

Kibutsuji Muzan, let's end this...

End this? There is no end to this, Kamado Tanjiro. I have already told you, trying to kill me is pointless. My memories are ethereal, my body may be physical but my memories will remain unscathed.

Ethereal... Back then, you compared yourself to a Natural Disaster... But I don't believe that. You're just a ego filled fool who thinks he is on the same level as natural disasters. You believe you are a being who's existence knows no bounds, an existence who is on par with God. But, in reality, you're nothing but an fool filled with hiself.

Deny it or accept it, you know you can't defeat me. The Hashira weren't capable of together, neither will you.

Let's find out then, shall we?

Only Death awaits you, Kamado Tanjiro.

Underground arena
Tokyo City
Narrators POV

Demon, it is a strange concept in the eyes of humanity.

In different religions of different parts of the World, they are viewed differently yet similarly.

In Christianity, Demons are fallen angels who rebelled against God under the command of Lucifer and were defeated by their own.

In Islam, Demons are beings who can either be good or evil. Good Demons worship Allah and follow the path of God, whilst evil Demons attempt to sway humans out of the path of God.

Demons in japanese, referred to Oni, are giants with great strength and fearful in appearance. They, despite their maliciousness, can be converted to Buddhism just like how Demons in Islam can become Muslims.

Demons, all in all, are used to refer to evil beings and at times neutral or even good beings.

As such, Humans can also be referred to as Demons or Angels.

In the world, there are many types of people. Usually, they are categorized into three parts.

Good, otherwise known as Yang which represents positivity, light, hope, flames, etc.

Evil, otherwise known as Yin which represents negativity, darkness, despair, etc.

And Neutral, known as the Yin and Yang.

These concepts are usually seen as evil and good colliding with one another, the simplest form of Yin and Yang.

But what if we take a step furthur?

Let's talk about the deeper side of the Yin and Yang.

Yin and yang is a concept originated in ancient Chinese philosophy that describes how obviously opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.

For example, take wheat. In the summer, the wheat will flourish and grow, showing off it's color to the world around it. This side of it is the Yang. During the winter, however, it will either away and die as it leaves behind it's seeds only. This is it's yin part. These two collide and help eachother continue in a never ending cycle of the same steps of reproduction.

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