Saving Eri

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The relationship between them became bigger and they started to talk more. Even though, Dabi still didn't opened himself to Toga and only talked to her when she had a nightmare. One day, Toga and Twice were walking around the Shie Hassaikai when she heard a noise coming from a door. She stopped, even if Twice continued walking and listened. It sounded like a crying child. She pushed the door, but it didn't open. Than she took out her knife and worked a bit at the keyhole. When she opened the door, she found a little girl on a big bed, surrounded by a lot of toys. She had long blue hair and two big red eyes. She looked terrefied. Toga entered the room and approached the little girl. The girl crawled backwards, until she was fully pressed onto her pillow. She was shivering in fear.

Toga: Uh...hi? Are you ok?

She extended her arm, but the girl just flinched. Than Toga noticed her bandaged arms and legs.

Toga:! Who did this to you?!

She lowered herself and sat easily on the bed. She extended her arms waiting for a hug from the girl.

Toga: Don't worry. I won't hurt you...come on. You're freezing.

The girl looked at Toga with big red eyes, before coming closer and slaming herself into Toga's arms.

Toga: Woah...that's a big hug...what's your name?

Eri: ...i'm Eri...

Toga: That's a very nice name...what were they doing to you?

Eri: K-kai says I am his b-big experiment...a method for the world to become a beter place...

Toga: Wait...the! You are the wepon?

The girl just nodded.

Toga: Wait...they were making the weapon out of you...than...

She looked at her bandaged arms and suddenly understood that Kai was using her to create the bullets.

Toga:! No...i won't let him! Do you want to come with me? It will be beter than here.

She just noded a bit sad.

Eri: You can't escape...i tried...

Toga picked her up and got out of the room. She started walking along the corridor, while calling Shigaraki to pick her up. Suddenly, she heard footsteps and in front of her appeared Eraserhead and Deku. They all stopped an looked at each other. Toga hugged Eri protecting her with her arm.

Eraserhead: Drop the girl!

She snarled and took out her knife with her free hand.

Toga: No! I won't let you hurt her more than she is!

She looked into Deku's eyes trying to tell him to leave.

Toga: You know what your problem is, Eraserhead? You think of yourself as a god. You think that everything you do is for a beter world. Well, let me tell you something! You don't get to decide what is best for her. She doesn't need a horde of „heroes" on her, asking questions and expecting immediate answers about her trauma. She doesn't need heroes looking at her and poking her like a museum piece. She doesn't need heroes using her powers and treating her as a tool! What she needs is a friend that can hold her when she cries and make sure that she is safe and understood...someone like me...not a monster like you!

As Eraserhead listened to her, he could only realize that she was right. And that annoyed him. Without thinking, Eraserhead took out his knife and threw it at Toga. The throw was skilled , but because it was done to quick, the knife was pointed to Eri's head. Toga knew that she couldn't doge it so she raised her hand and the knife got stuck in it with a small squelch. She just winced in pain. Deku watched in horor as Toga bended down because of the pain and she nearly colapsed. Eraserhead started walking towards her and had a serious look on his face, ignoring the fact that he was almost about to kill the small girl. He was only ahead a few steps to her and was about to grab her, when behind her apeared a purple portal. A huge blue flame was sent to Eraserhead and he was thrown back without even having time to react. Dabi stepped on the floor and looked around. Toga sprinted up and ran through the portal wiuh Eri secured in her arms.

AN: Hope you liked it. Also, vote, do you want Eri to stay with Toga, or go back to Deku? Waiting for your answer :) ! Dark heart out!

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