Kidnaped and saved

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(Some time later)

Toga entered the room and found both Shigaraki and Eri asleep on the bed. She closed the door and returned to Dabi.

He was still asleep so she got out of the bar and walked around, before stopping at the entrance of a alley. It was really early, so the sun was still not out.

And before she could blink, she felt a cold, tight hand wrapping around her neck and dragging her to a wall. She tried screaming, but the hand pressed her neck, cutting her oxygen. Right when she was about to pass out, they let her go. She hit the ground, making a thud and looking up with fear at them.

There were three boys. She felt her heart clench as she noticed a knife in their hands.

Was she going to get killed?

Was this it?

Who would take care of Eri?

And Shigaraki?

And ... Dabi?

"Now, Andrew, kill her now."

The first one turned around

"Why me? Didn't you say it was Plato's turn?

The one named jumped up

"I said I only wanted to see how she reacts! Don't accuse me of nothing, you idiot!"

"Both of you, shut the fuck up. Let's just get her out of here without anyone seeing. Plato, tie her up"

They got Toga to stand and tied her hands. Then, they threw her inside a truck and with a hum, the ground rumbled. She tried calling for help, but the one that seemed to be the boss dragged her up and hit the wall with her.

She instantly whined in pain as she felt her hands burn, the ropes digging in her skin and the impact from her side.

"Stop whining, you fucking brat. Keep your mouth shut and don't make us angry."

She gulped and tried to calm down, while the pain diffused.

"S-so...who are you...and what do you want with me?"

They all looked at the one that seemed to be the boss and smiled.

"We are friends with the one that sent you to prison...but that should not concern you now. What should concern you, however, is the fact that we are going to take you to him. I heard that villains need to be punished, especially for stealing a child...isn't that right?"

Toga instantly knew what he was talking about

"That was not my fault! We rescued her! That monster was-"

A single punch from Andrew in her gut made her shut up. The boss chuckled and grabbed her head, dragging her up.

" Y'know...I am usually patient, but this time, I think you should really see what means to piss off a bad guy..."

He growled and dragged her up, opening his mouth and showing his sharp teeth, getting ready to pierce her neck. Toga knew she was done. She closed her eyes and accepted her fate. Her last tought was about Dabi. She hoped he was going to forgive her for not being able to protect her...





The back of the truck was destroyed when a person entered in the middle of the action. Toga could see in his eyes something that she didn't see till now...rage. A fuming Dabi was standing there, his fire melting the metal walls. The one that was holding Toga dropped her on the ground and lunched forward in an animalistic rage, ripping apart the flames that Dabi was sending to them. The truck crashed into a rock. In the chaos that occurred, Toga got rid of her ropes and ran in the middle of the fight. Dabi was able to nock out the two smaller idiots and was fighting with the one in charge. He was using some kind of metal knifes to dodge the flames.

" Dabi! Aim for his legs!"

He took her advice and in a few seconds, the bad guy was on the ground with a smaller knife and a hand of fire pointed at him. He chuckled and raised his hands.

"Well actually managed to escape us-"

"Save it! I aint' haver time for ur bullshit! Get your idiots and don't you dare touch her ever again!"

He chuckled again, nodded and got up, grabbing his sidekicks and disappearing in a cloud of smoke.


I watched them leave. It was finally over. I ran into Dabi's arms and hugged him. It was no need for words. He understood.

"Are you ok? Did they hurt you or-"

"No...they just punched me a bit, but don't worry, I'm fine. Let's go back, I really want to get home..."

He nodded, picked me up and started walking, jumping and focusing his fire in his legs, flying away.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.  

AN: Sorry, it took me a lot of time to find inspiration and actually write this. But thanks for your patience. See ya later, btw, those bad guys are inspired by three of my friends so if you guys read this, hope i mimicked each one's personality :)

802 words

|Blood and fire| Dabi x Togaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن