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When she got to the new base she colapsed in front of Shigaraki that was waiting for her.

Shigaraki: Woah! What's with the child?

But Toga could only wince in pain. Shigataki took her gently up and sat her on a chair, careful not to touch Eri. He inspected the wound and grabbed the knife. Toga winced again.

Shigaraki: I have to get it out. Try not to scream. We don't want to scare the child.

For some weird reason Shigaraki liked the small girl. Maybe it was because she looked a bit like him

Shigaraki: Ok...3...2...1!

He yanked the knife. Toga bit her lip until she felt blood, but she didn't make a sound. Eri looked at her wound and placed her small hands on it. A small white light emerged from her horn and the wound was closed. They both looked amazed at the girl and than at each other.

Toga: Eri...what's your quirk?

Eri: I-its...reverse...i-i can reverse people...

Shigaraki: And...Kai was using your blood to make weapons...

She flinched when she heard his name and hugged Toga harder. Right then, a portal opened and Dabi and Twice entered quickly. Dabi ran at Toga and hugged her hard (not noticing he was crushing Eri between them)

Dabi: God damnit, Toga don't scare me again like that again! I-i thought...

He stopped and looked at her analyzing her.

Dabi: Your wound is gone...

Toga explained to him everything and blushed a bit. He didn't usually payed that much attention to her...

Eri: W-we have to go! Kai knows we're here!

Dabi: No need. He thinks the heroes took her. Right after you left, the heroes stayed a bit trying to fight me and ran away. So...what do we do with her?

He pointed to Eri.

Toga: Well, first, we won't use her for anything evil, secondly, NO ONE will hurt her, and thirdly...i'l take her to my room...she's exhausted.

Dabi: You or her?

He smirked a bit. She rolled her eyes and climbed the stairs to her room. It was a small one with a medium pink bed, a bathroom and a woden desk. The walls had some pictures with her and the league. She sat Eri gently on the bed and started searching for some new clothes. She found a cute t shirt and some blue pants. After setting the clothes on a desk for tomorrow, she found some pj's and gave them to her. But the little girl only looked at Toga, not understanding what to do. The older one chuckled and gently took her old clothes down, replacing them. While doing so, she looked a bit at her bandaged arms. It concerned her that they looked old and reused...while she was thinking, Dabi came into the room.

Dabi: Just came to check on you...she ok?

Toga: Yes...but come take a look at this...

She showed him the bandages and Dabi took the little girl's arm. She flinched at the sudden touch and tried to get away from him.

Dabi: No need to be scared...i know what's like to get hurt...

He showed her his hands. Than smiled. It was a true smile, something very rare for him. Eri nodded and let them get down the bandages. Toga shivered when she saw the scars on her arms, but kept quiet. When they finished replacing her bandages, Eri was almost asleep. Toga tucked her in and watched as she fell asleep. She stayed there, with Dabi near her.

Dabi: Aren't you going to sleep?

Toga: No...at how scared she is...she'll probably have a nightmare...

Dabi: Do you think its safe to keep her here?

Toga: I don't know...but thanks for saving me back there...

Dabi: Heh...don't mention it.

She turned around and hugged him. He was a bit shocked by her actions, but returned the hug. When Eri woke up next day, she found the two of them sleeping on the floor, hugging each other.

AN: Hya, i know this story is going slow, but that's cuz I am currently working on another story! Its a Mha story about my oc. I'll try to update today some more of it. Hope ur enjoying! Dark heart out!

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