Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


The Start of Our Journney

Words: 2238


A/N: Please read this so you can understand this Wattpad.

Bloom and Venti are siblings. Bloom was 24 at the time and Venti was turning 26 this time of the year. Both of them have kept in touch over the years in various ways like using technology and letters

Bloom's POV:
Hi, my name is Bloom and I am writing things down because Miss Faragonda told me it would help me in a tough situation and she said that she would give me a pizza party and Stella can't say no to that. So here I am writing events that happen to us.
~ Bloom

This all started on June 9th. The day seems normal. There is nothing out of place or a feeling that something might go wrong. That day, me and my friends decided to visit my friend Flora's sister on her planet called Linphia. I was planning to visit my brother Venti on his birthday next week.

I already planned a present for him for his birthday. I was excited that he would finally come home after he had graduated from college and made a successful music career in Germany.

He was 6 years old when I was adopted by my parents on Earth when they found me. We were inseparable. Up until he went to college when I was 16 that is. But the point is I was excited to finally meet my brother after all these years.

Me and my friend were in my room packing to our home. I was packing my stuff with Stealla.

"Finally Summer break! I feel like it has been forever since our last adventure" Stella was stuffing all her clothes into her suitcase.

"Yea. I guess it's been a while since we had an adventure" Aisha joined in through the door.

"Let's hope it stays that way. I can't wait to go to your planet Flora!" Little that me and my friends know that everything will go wrong tomorrow.

Stella than notice something from my bed.

"Is that a present for me?" Stella was pointing in a direction to my bed.

"Present?" I looked around to see what she was pointing at and found out she was pointing at my brother's present for his upcoming birthday.

"Oh, this? This is my present for my brother!"

"Your brother? How come we've been friends for 8 years and we don't know you had a brother." Techna came into my room looking surprised by my statement

"We've kept in touch over the years, I guess you guys weren't there when I was writing my messages."

"What is his name?" Aisha asked crossing her arm when she went through my room leaning on the wall.

"Venti," I replied shortly

"Wait, doesn't 'venti' mean wind in roman? Why is brother's name wind?" Musa was looking at me confusedly.

"Well if there's a word to describe him is wind. He is free, calming, can be intimidating when he wants to be and is carefree. Without a bother for the world." I replied remembering when I was little and used to be by his side copying what he did.

"Do you guys want to go shopping? I need a new fabric for my new design"

"Alright then, all in favor of all of us companying Stella when she goes shopping?" Techna raised her hand which was unusual. I guess she was in a good mood at that moment.

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