6- Shopping

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Lily's POV-

I sat in the same position for a good 10 minutes after the door closed, his words echoing in my head. I didn't miss how he emphasized 'real', but what struck me the most was when he said they didn't believe any of my lies. I knew they probably didn't, but somewhere in my mind, I had hoped they would. But when has anything gone right in my life?

Edward was the only one who made me feel like I belonged here. Besides Tony, of course. And then there was James, but I haven't talked to him a lot. But Edward was welcoming and he saved me that night in the kitchen. Otherwise, not only my secret would've been revealed to Alexander, but to all my brothers. Austin would've loved to snitch on me.

This is what I do to people. Everywhere I go, I just find some way that makes me so detestable from everybody. Here I was, adjusting a little and I had to ruin it. Now he would go and tell all my brothers what a rude person I am. The few who still liked me, are never going to talk to me again.

Everything was going fine until now. Sure, I was basically living in hell, but I had adjusted to the life there. I was hoping I would adjust with my brothers here too, after all I had to, didn't I? And it's not even their fault. For the first time in my life, someone is asking me about my pain, acknowledging it. Maybe all my brother's ways to handle things are different. They want to know what happened to me. But I can't tell them. I don't know how they will handle this. I'm pretty sure no family wants a broken teenager.


It turned out that sleeping pills work only when you have a desire to sleep. If you are anything like me, who overthinks every single conversation, I'm sorry to say but they won't work on you. I got no sleep last night. It was currently 6:13 and I was contemplating whether to go downstairs or not.

I wanted to make breakfast for my brothers because they were taking me shopping. This is the least I can do for them. I have no money that I can use to return the favor since my lovely father took what I had left, so this is the only way I can repay them.

As soon as I made up my mind, I got out of my room and peered down the corridor. It was empty, just as I expected. All my brothers probably sleep late. They are rich, why do they need to wake up early?

Just as I was about to enter the kitchen, I saw Alexander's silhouette sitting on the stool, drinking something out of a cup. I turned around to go back to my room again. I can't be in the same room as him. I was already terrified of him. 

"I saw you, Lily. Come in, now." Shit.

I enter the kitchen. He was looking right at me. It's bad enough I reacted that way in his office but to him looking at me the same way he did that day, it's so reassuring. Note the sarcasm.

"Why are you up so early?" He asks. 

"I woke up early." Not the truth, but he doesn't need to know that.

He nods and points to the seat next to him. "Sit."

Even though I could've sat anywhere but next to him, I made my way where he said to. I can't disobey orders from him.

"Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Anything special you want to eat?"

"Who's cooking breakfast?" He looked a bit confused at my question but obviously didn't show it.

"Cooks. Why?"

I didn't know if I should ask him this or not, but I tried my luck.

"Can I help them?"

He turned his face to me and I immediately turned mine away. Even if he has to scold me, he can do it without me looking at him. That's way easier.

"You know how to cook food?" He asked as if it was the most surprising thing about me. Obviously, I do. I have cooked food since I was like 6.

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