16- I Ruin It All

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Third Person's POV-

All three of her brothers jumped in the pool after her. Lily shrieked loudly but welcomed them. It was after a long time that they had this much fun in pool. It was usually just one or two of them who used it. Rest others were always busy. 

One thing that had changed the Kingston brothers was the fact that Lily had brought them closer. They were growing apart from each other. All of them had different schedules to go along their day, and it was only at dinner time that they met. The oldest siblings didn't even take the weekends off to spend time with their siblings.

Why would they have to? Their brothers weren't so little anymore. They had their own lives and they could very well take care of themselves without any assistance. The dinners and occasional movies were the only time they bonded. The only time they needed to bond. The visits from their family was limited to once every month and it was more than enough.

But Lily, she had changed it all. It was after years that Alex had taken a day off after he heard what happened to his sister. He had not shown up at his office and the workers were shocked. All he did was sign some papers and have a couple of meetings regarding their Mafia, but him being absent was something they had never heard before.

"Ten more minutes guys, and we are out. If one of you catch cold, I'm dead," James said, looking at his siblings.

A part of him wished that they stayed like this forever, because he liked this. The laughter, the enjoyment, everything. He loved his siblings to death, especially the twins and Lily. Family mattered the most to him, to every one of them, even those who were wrong or worse, confused. 

His eyes caught sight of a figure, staring at all of them from the shadows of his room. As soon as he caught James staring, he left his post and disappeared. James shook his head and focused to the job in hand. 

He just needs time, James reminded himself. 

"Alright, time's over. Let's go," He said, pointing back to the house.

"Please Jamie, just 5 minutes," Tony said, deliberately using his childhood nickname to convince him.

"Not working, Tony. We gotta go, c'mon," He said, pushing them towards the edge.

"Party pooper," Andrew muttered under his breath and James chuckled.

He hoisted Lily up and lifted himself. She was shivering coming out of the pool and he caught it.

"See, I told you. It gets cold. Take a warm shower when you get in your room, alright? Not too hot, just warm," He said as he wrapped her towel around her shoulders. 

All of them started entering to the warmth of their home, the temperature inside being just what they needed. They climbed up the multiple staircases and all of them entered their respective rooms.

Just as James was about to enter his own, a voice called his name. He turned around but said nothing.

"Don't tell anybody else."

He momentarily sighs. 

"You could've joined us. I don't think we would've minded, Austin." James said.

"I know but, you were enjoying and I- I didn't want to. You guys forget the fact that she's a kid. She doesn't belong here. This is no place for a girl-"

Lily's POV-

I am picking out the clothes to wear before I shower. I don't know why but I like to get my outfit ready before bathing. After it I'm too drippy and will probably spend an hour on what to wear.

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