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The hallway was crowded as I made my way to my class. Before I knew it, I got shoved into a locker.

"Oops, sorry Jess," Mallory snickered. Her best friend, Allison, giggled with her.

"Leave me alone, tramp," I groaned, crossing my arms.

"I'm a tramp? Look at you! You look like a crawled out of a dumpster with those clothes like that," she laughed again.

"With clothes like yours I'd look like a stripper," I said as I turned and continued walking.

"Go brush your hair, lesbo!" she said and gave me one final shove. I stumbled forward, almost falling onto the person in front of me.

"Watch where you're going," the guy growled.

"I'm sorry, I umm, got pushed," I stuttered.

"Wait, you were the one Mallory was yelling at, right? Called you a lesbo and told you to brush your hair?" he asked with a small smile.

"Uh, yeah, something like that," my cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I watched my feet.

"Don't listen to her, I like your hair," he said as we walked.

"I- really?" I looked up at the tall boy. His fluffy brown hair almost covered his eyes, I wonder how he can see.

"Yes, really," he giggled, "what's your name by the way?" My brain turned off. He likes my hair? I don't understand why.

"Hello?" he said, snapping me away from my thoughts.

"Oh! Sorry, um, Jess, my name is Jess," I stammered.

"I like that name, I'm Spencer," he smiled.

"I like your name too," I smiled back.

"Thanks, it's nothing special," he chuckled.

"Mine's not special either," I added.

"Maybe not, but I like it," he smiled at me. I felt my cheeks get warm as I smiled back.

"I gotta go, my class is right here, it was nice to meet you, Jess," he said.

"Nice to meet you too, Spencer," I said back as he disappeared into a classroom.

'I wonder if I'll see him again,' I thought about our interaction and how nice he is.

'I hope I see him again.'

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