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Kenzie takes one last look at the lake house before closing it up until next summer. This was always the part she dreaded the most, Along with everyone else. She looked around the empty house in complete silence, That was filled with chaos and laughter just yesterday. The lake house meant so much love, Laughter and Memories to Kenzie, Making it the most special place in the world to her. She got engaged to the love of her life this summer, Making it even more emotional saying goodbye, As she still sees her little self playing with toys in the living room in the same exact spot she was standing in now. The next time she comes back , She's going to be getting married. She takes one last look around as tears trickle from her eyes knowing she has to say goodbye to her favorite people and favorite place for a few months.

"Babe, Cars all loaded up. You ready?" Jack pops into the empty house seeing Kenzie standing in the middle of the living room with tears welded in the corner of her eyes.

"Oh no, My sweet girl, Come here." Jack shuffles to Kenzie, Coddling her in his arms, Pressing soft kisses to her head from behind. "I don't wanna leave either baby, None of us do, But we all have to go our separate ways for a while. We'll be back here before you know it." Jack whispers in her ear, Comforting her as she just cries into his chest.

"Come on baby." Jack softly takes her hand, Intertwining it in his, and walks her out the door as he locks it for her. Kenzie looks down the stairs onto the driveway, Seeing everyone's cars packed and loaded, As everyone's standing outside in a circle waiting to say goodbye.

Tears are flowing down everyone's faces as they all dread this part the most too as it never gets easier, Even though they've been doing this their entire lives. This time was different though, Kenzie wasn't going back to LA with Liv as she was moving across the country to New Jersey to be with Jack, And Tate was moving in with Trevor. This time it was more of a real goodbye.

Liv steps up to Kenzie frowning with glazed eyes, "I'm gonna miss you roomie. Come visit me soon back in LA." Liv says holding onto Kenzie's  hand with tears trickling down both of their cheeks.

"Just don't replace me with another roommate." Kenzie giggles through her choked voice to bring some light into this emotional situation. "I'll miss living with you so much. You're my roomie for life. " Kenzie says frowning. "I want your album sent to me before it's released." Kenzie says strictly as Liv nods saying, "Always."

Tate drags her feet up to Kenzie next and immediately goes in for a tight hug without saying any words for an entire minute, Both just sniffling in each other's shoulders.  "I love you and I'm so happy for you. I wish you the best, You're gonna do great. We're all gonna miss you in Cali." Tate pulls her head off of Kenzie's shoulder and looks at her with a frown.

"I love you too. Good luck with Trevor. I'll see you soon Tate. You're the best friend in the world." Kenzie says as tears fill both of their eyes as they go in for one last hug before Kenzie lets go and Tate hops into the passenger seat of Trevor's car that used to be Kenzie's seat.

Alex comes after to say goodbye to Kenzie
"Goodbye, My bestie." Kenzie says opening her arms up as Alex comes in for a tight squeeze. 

"I'm gonna miss you the most." He looks down at her as they finish their sweet goodbyes.

"Coleeeee" Kenzie says with her voice broken, As he slowly walks up to her with sadness written on his face.

"Promise you'll come visit me in Montreal so we can go golfing and pop out in our matching outfit?" He laughs making Kenzie chuckle as well through the sadness of the situation, What Cole is best at.

"I will Cole, I will." She says going in for one last hug.

Quinn comes from behind holding her in a tight grip. "Bye Kenzie girl, I feel bad for you that you have to live with Jack now but have fun!" He laughs under his breath.

"Thanks Quinn, You're scaring me now." She laughs back

"Nah, I'm just playing with you. You two will be more than fine. I think you're the only person in the world that can actually stand him for a long period of time." He says as we hug it out and say our goodbyes.

And lastly it was Trevor's turn, The part both siblings were dreading the most. The two looked at each other for a few seconds in silence before going into a tight hug in silence that lasted a long while.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." Trevor muffles into Kenzie's shoulder as tears begin to drop down on Trevor's shoulder

"I'm gonna miss you so fucking much Trev. Thank you for being the best brother in the world. I love you so much. Promise to come visit?" Kenzie pulls apart from him and looks at him sobbing waiting for his response.

"Always, Kenzie. I'm always just a phone call away. I know Jack will treat you so good and you'll love Jersey, Im so fucking happy for you Kenzie. You deserve this. You deserve all of this happiness and love. And of course i'll visit, but when you're in LA, You better take your first stop in Anaheim." Trevor says pointing at Kenzie.

"Of course I will. Bye Trevor." Kenzie's voice breaks wiping her tears,  As the two go in for one last and final hug.

Kenzie stands  in the driveway seeing every car pull out one by leaving. She stands in the empty driveway as Jack and Luke are ready and in the car ready to start heading back to Jersey. Kenzie looks around at the empty driveway and begins to sob all over again. It was really hard for Kenzie to say goodbye this year after the best summer of her life.

Jack steps out the car once again, And immediately pulls his fiancée into him, Not saying a word just pressing soft kisses to her cheeks.

"Come here baby. I wanna show you something. I think this might make you feel a little better." Jack says grabbing her hand and leading her through the gate into the backyard.

Kenzie looks up at Jack confused but agrees to walk with him as he takes her over to the dock kneeling and pointing down the one of the planks on the dock as Kenzie squats down besides him to read an engraved-

"I hope one day I get to marry Kenz, And live the rest of my life with her. -J.H"

She looks up at Jack admiring him, "Jack are you serious? You are the cutest person ever. When did you write this?" She asks with tears in her eyes for the hundredth time today.

"When I was 10 I stormed away when we had a play date with Brayden from next door and he gave you a flower." He laughs

"No way" Kenzie laughs remembering exactly what Jack was talking about. "I love you Jack." She sweetly says to him

"I love you too baby." He says softly kissing her as the two stand up

"Let's go home." Kenzie says smiling at the only boy in the world that can make her feel better as they walk back into the car.

"Finally." Luke sighs in the back seat as Kenzie and Jack laugh and hop in.

At last, the last car in the driveway pulls off and leaves leaving the house officially empty until next summer.

The lake house <3 (JACK HUGHES FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now