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-Next summer-

The door to the lake house opens as Kenzie and Jack step in quietly, Smiling at their friends sitting in the kitchen as the group jumps up in excitement.

"He's sleeping." Kenzie whispers as the group walks up to them as they all say "Oh my god" and "aweee" looking down at the baby boy coddled in Kenzie's arms.

"Hayden, Meet your uncles and aunts." Kenzie whispers to her baby boy looking up and smiling widely at her friends surrounding her 

"He is so perfect." Trevor says looking at his nephew in his baby sisters arms

"Wanna hold him?" Kenzie smiles up at her brother, As he smiles ear to ear, Nodding uncontrollably, Reaching his arms out to grab his nephew.

"This is Uncle Trevor." Kenzie says to her baby handing him off to Trevor as Trevor begins rocking him in his arms.

"Hayden Trevor Hughes." Kenzie turns her head to Trevor as he freezes in place as his mouth drops.

"Are you fucking kidding Kenzie?" Trevor says, Getting emotional.

"Yeah, Are you fucking kidding Kenzie?" Quinn stands there offendedly, Mean mugging his brother and Sister in law.

"Yeah what the hell?" Luke chimes in, Equally as offended.

"Guys, Guys, Relax. We plan on having more of these little ones, There'll be enough middle names to go around." Kenzie laughs at Luke and Quinn 

"He's so beautiful guys." Tate says looking over Trevors shoulder at the baby as tears form in the corner of her eyes.

"Got mamas genes." Jack says placing his hands on Kenzies hips, Kissing her cheek from behind as she turns her head slightly also placing a kiss on Jack's cheek, Smiling sweetly at him.

"We need one right now." Trevor says to Tate, His eyes glued on Hayden in his arms.

"Welcome to the family, Sweet baby boy. You're the first one of the new generation." Tate says grabbing him out of Trevor's arms eager to hold him as the entire group ends up takes turns holding him all catching baby fever.

"Let's put him down for a nap." Jack says taking his son gently from Cole's arms who was the last of the group to hold him.

"We put a crib together last night for Hayden." Trevor tells the two as they begin to head upstairs with Hayden and all their bags. 

"Awh really? Thank you guys. You're the best." Kenzie tells the group as they smile back at her

Jack places Hayden down in his crib as the two look at their baby sleeping peacefully admiring him

"We really made that." Jack whispers to Kenzie as he puts his arm over her shoulder giving her a kiss on the top of her head

"We really did. He's perfect." Kenzie replies holding onto Jacks arm as the two spend another minute looking at their baby boy fall asleep.

"Let's make another one?" Jack suggests smirking down at Kenzie

Kenzie giggles, Slapping Jack's arm playfully, Heading towards the door. "Jack come on, Why don't we go say hi to our family and friends before we talk about fucking. We just got here."

"So is that a no?" Jack tilts his head to the side watching Kenzie walk away

She turns abruptly and shuffles over to Jack who still hasn't moved. "How about this. We go spend time with our friends for a while and then tonight, We can try for another baby all night long. Hm?" She wraps her arms around Jack looking up at him.

"Oh absolutely." Jack smiles like a kid in a candy shop grabbing Kenzie's hand and leading them down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry guys this was a little bit of a different arrival" Kenzie laughs and begins making her rounds hugging everyone as Jack follows behind her doing the same.

"How's life with a newborn?" Quinn asks taking a quick sip of his beer.

"It's definitely hard but I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's the best thing in the world, Being a mom." Kenzie explains to the group as they all send sweet smiles at her.

"Can you drink yet?" Alex asks Kenzie reaching into the fridge

"Yes. God I can drink." Kenzie says reaching her hand out grabbing the drink from Alex as he laughs as he hands one to Jack after.

"Liv what do you wanna drink?" Kenzie looks at Liv as she sees she's the only one without a drink

"Oh no i'm good." Liv smiles at Kenzie as everyone looks at Liv in confusion as everyone knows Liv likes to get drunk whenever she has the opportunity to.

"Did you quit drinking?" Kenzie asks taking a sip of her high noon.

"No actually.... I'm pregnant." Liv smiles as everyone's mouth drops to the floor and Alex says "Surpriseeee"

"SHUT THE FUCKKKK UP." Jack yells as everyone begins hugging Alex and Liv congratulating them.

"Oh my god Hayden's gonna have a friend." Kenzie awes bringing Liv into her for a hug.

"Babe we seriously gotta start trying." Trevor tells Tate.

"How far along Liv?" Tate asks

"5 months" Liv replies

"FIVE MONTHS? WHAT IS IT?" Cole exclaims loudly

"I was waiting to tell you guys at the lake house all together.. It's a boy." Liv replies looking up at Kenzie and Jack with a smile knowing the news will excite them.

"OH MY GOD!!! " Kenzie begins jumping up and down, Running over to Alex and Liv and hugging them.

"This house is gonna be filled with more baby's than us soon." Trevor says as everyone laughs

"Look at us starting families and shit" Alex says

i'm sorry for the short chapter, I'm gonna end this story soon, probably one more chapter left:(
This was my first book and I hoped you guys enjoyed it. I'm brainstorming some new ideas for a new book. Thank you for all the support! 💜💜

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