chapter 12

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Kinn take bath ,i think i should go wake Kim. He left leaving kinn in the cold water .
As much as Porsche would prefer fucking right now he's still an overprotective brother in law to Kim . Maybe husband can wait for sometime.

Kim , get up love.   He ran his fingers slowly through his hair same way he did to chay .
Naahhh. Hia- kinn... mom hia don't go  ..  Kim cried in his sleep.
Porsche touched his forehead and he's burning.
Kinn came running out of the water and wore his pants immediately still soaking wet.
What happened??
He's sick.  Must be infection from his wounds. He was crying for you.  Hold him . I'll get wet cloth for him .
Porsche passed kinn his shirt and took out kinn's jacket to give Kim. He took out his handkerchief, dipped it in the cold stream and helped placed on Kim's forehead
Then he cleaned kims wound.
Kim woke up when Porsche was cleaning the wound.  He winced in pain .
Shu shu it's ok love.. just a little more. Porsche treated him like a baby.
Kinn ran his fingers through his hairs to calm him down.  Kim snuggled a little inti his brothers chest.  That reminded him of little Kim who would sneak into his room to sleep in his bed.
Kinn smiled at Kim then at Porsche who treated Kim with so much care.
Porsche made sure to collect water in Kim's bottle and some fish in the bag.
They need to leave now so they could reach that abandoned truck . Staying by the river in the forest could be dangerous as they ain't the only one who needs to drink water.
Kim who was still semi unconscious kinn picked him on his back he clung to kinn like a monkey. Kim weighed nothing kinn a mental note to keep an eye on his diet .

Vegas 's pov
For the love of God Vegas stop running. You might get eaten by some wild animal. Pete forgot about their designations half an hour ago.  He's keeping an eye on Vegas who won't stop. He used to think khun is the most stubborn member of the family. Well Vegas is still the winner of this stupid competition.
Pete had enough.
He pulled Vegas down with him.he struggled to get Vegas off him  He rolled over to sit on Vegas . But to Vegas panting Pete looked like sin directly from hell.
Pete punched him in his face.  After a punch he came back into his senses. When Pete tried to hit him again Vegas caught his arm. He rolled over to get over Pete.  Maybe staying in forest has drove him crazy or pete felt soft under him.  He would love to try him someday. But kinn loves his precious bodyguard. He got up and started walking again .
Pete blocked his way .
Listen to me Vegas . I am just trying to protect you . So please make my job a little easier . Please co-operate. We need to go back to them. They have Kim who's sick and then it's better if we stay together. People who are trying to kidnap you guys directly want you dead .  So stop giving them chances. Now stay close and lets go back . Pete said getting closer to Vegas.  Their is little ti no space btw them

You don't get it.  No one cares if I am dead . They are looking for kinn not me. Vegas snickered and pushed him away . Pete knew Vegas always felt lonely in the family,always underestimated but to him he's as good as kinn . And he's way better at being cold then kinn.
If they don't care then I do.  Stay close to me. Pete gently creased his face.  This was wrong at so many levels but he didn't care . Vegas who felt warmth for the first time in his life pulled Pete towards him into a kiss. Pete immediately responded with passion, vegas preferred it rough so he pulled petes hair and smiled into the kiss when Pete pulled his.  He knew he found his match .
Their kiss was broken by someone clearing his throat. He turned around and kinn looking at him angrily. Porsche with a teasing smile .
Pete his his face into Vegas's neck.
How the fuck did you find us ?? He asked kinn who huffed at Vegas and then looked at pete still in his arms.
I don't know Porsche did.  Well Porsche was super sure about the directions. They just followed him.
Well we just followed the berries..said Porsche sheepishly.
PETEEE. Vegas screamed at pete who took a step back
sorry i just didn't want us to die. Especially not alone.said Pete
We'll talk about this later. I hate you. Vegas whispered with  a smirk . Porsche remembers this smirk very well.  Pete won't be able walk for few days
You don't eat faces of the people you hate . Said kim who heard it with a his superhearing .
Vegas and pete followed kinn and Porsche and Porsche finally reached the truck .

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