Chapter Nine: The Centipede Salesman

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A ripple of excitement coursed through Adalon as news spread of the arrival of a traveling salesman—an illustrious figure known throughout the mobile school's history. The salesman piloted a colossal, centipede-like vehicle, its long body lined with a colorful array of stalls and merchandise from the farthest reaches of the world.

Eamon had heard tales of this enigmatic figure from fellow students, stories of exotic wares and rare treasures that he brought to Adalon's doorstep. Today, the courtyard of the mobile school was abuzz with anticipation as the salesman's vehicle, a mechanical marvel in its own right, climbed onto Adalon's expansive platform and parked in the center of the bustling hub.

The sides of the vehicle opened with a symphony of gears and hydraulics, revealing an array of stalls, each brimming with an eclectic assortment of goods. The students and residents of Adalon gathered around, their eyes wide with wonder as they perused the colorful displays.

Eamon was among the first to approach, his heart racing with excitement. The stalls were a sensory feast, filled with silks from distant lands, curiosities from forgotten eras, and artifacts that told tales of bygone civilizations. It was a treasure trove that beckoned to the adventurer within him.

Seraphina, always drawn to the luster of precious gems, selected a ruby necklace that gleamed like a drop of blood-red fire. Others in the crowd made their own choices—exquisite fabrics, intricately carved figurines, and ancient scrolls that promised hidden knowledge.

Eamon, however, found himself drawn to a small, unassuming metal box nestled amidst the treasures. As he opened it, he discovered a mechanical marvel—a small robotic rabbit, crafted with delicate precision. Its gears whirred to life, and it hopped onto his palm, its eyes blinking with curiosity.

Eamon's heart swelled with joy, and he knew that he had found a new companion within Adalon—a companion who would accompany him on his journey and serve as a reminder of this special day.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the salesman's vehicle rumbled to life, its mechanical legs retracting as it prepared to depart. Eamon clutched the small rabbit in his hand, a memento of a day filled with wonder and discovery.

The courtyard of Adalon gradually emptied, the students and residents returning to their daily routines, their hearts and homes enriched by the treasures they had found. Eamon watched as the centipede salesman's vehicle disappeared into the distance, leaving behind a trail of memories and a sense of adventure that lingered in the air.

As he returned to his dormitory, Eamon knew that the small robotic rabbit would become a cherished friend on his journey within Adalon—a reminder that even amidst the ever-moving world, there were moments of magic and companionship waiting to be discovered.

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