Chapter Eleven: Lost in the Tracks

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Eamon and Seraphina's frustration simmered beneath the surface as they trudged along the tracks that stretched before them like an iron lifeline, leading back to Adalon. The mobile school had become a distant speck on the horizon, a reminder of their oversight, and the weight of their predicament weighed heavily on their minds.

As they followed the tracks, the sun hung high in the sky, casting long shadows over the rugged terrain. The path they pursued hinted at the school's trajectory—toward a formidable mountain range that rose like an impassable wall.

Seraphina had formulated a plan—a bold gambit to rejoin Adalon. She believed that if they followed the tracks and reached the mountainous route, they might find a way to climb back onto the mobile school through the cliffs. Eamon, although apprehensive, agreed, for they had no other choice but to trust in Seraphina's plan.

With rations in their backpacks and determination in their hearts, they pressed onward, the rhythmic clacking of the tracks beneath their feet a constant reminder of their journey's urgency.

As evening descended, they made camp beside the tracks, their spirits low but not broken. They shared a meager meal and huddled together under a blanket of stars, their minds filled with thoughts of Adalon and the distant hope of reuniting with the mobile school.

However, their solitude was shattered by the distant growl of engines—an ominous sound that reverberated through the earth. The ground quaked beneath their feet, and they exchanged alarmed glances.

The source of the noise soon revealed itself—a convoy of massive vehicles, a motley crew of scavengers whose presence boded ill for Eamon and Seraphina. The scavengers were notorious for preying on those who ventured too far from safety, and now, their predatory machines loomed on the horizon like a pack of relentless predators.

Eamon and Seraphina quickly hid in the shadows, their hearts pounding in their chests. They watched as the scavengers' vehicles rumbled closer, their engines roaring with a guttural hunger for prey.

Fear gripped them as the scavengers fanned out, scouring the area. The scavengers' eyes scanned the landscape, searching for any signs of life. Eamon and Seraphina remained frozen, barely daring to breathe.

Then, their worst fears were realized—a scavenger's sharp gaze locked onto their hiding place. Panic surged through them as the scavenger barked orders to others. The net was closing in, and Eamon and Seraphina knew they had to flee.

They sprinted along the tracks, their hearts racing, but the scavengers were relentless in their pursuit. As the scavengers closed in, the ground suddenly gave way beneath Eamon and Seraphina's feet. With startled cries, they tumbled through a hole in the ground, their world spiraling into darkness.

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