Chapter Fourteen: The Mole's Journey

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Eamon and Seraphina clung to the giant mole's back as it burrowed through the subterranean depths at a breakneck speed. The tunnels whizzed by in a blur of earthen hues, and the rush of the underground world enveloped them. The bunny chief led the way, navigating through the labyrinthine passages with a confident grace.

As they burst forth from the ground, Eamon and Seraphina found themselves in a small mobile mining town. The rabbit people bid them farewell with gratitude and warm smiles. The town was a curious sight—a collection of structures mounted atop massive treads, poised for movement.

With the rabbit people's guidance, Eamon and Seraphina ventured into the heart of the town, searching for someone who could assist them in their quest to return to Adalon. They wandered through the bustling streets until they stumbled upon a tavern—a lively establishment that seemed to be the hub of activity.

As they entered the tavern, the townsfolk glanced their way, curious about the newcomers. Eamon scanned the room, looking for someone who might be in charge or possess knowledge of the town's movement.

However, the lively atmosphere and cheerful patrons made it clear that the townsfolk were here to relax and enjoy themselves rather than discuss business. They decided to approach the bar, hoping to find someone willing to assist them.

As they waited for an opportunity to speak with the bartender, Seraphina noticed an intriguing figure seated at the bar—an older woman with circular sunglasses and a vibrant red coat. Her presence exuded an air of mystery and confidence.

With a friendly smile, the woman introduced herself as Amelia. Seraphina shared their predicament—their journey to reunite with Adalon and their need for assistance.

Amelia listened intently, her sunglasses hiding her eyes, but her voice held a tone of intrigue. She leaned in closer, her interest piqued. "I can help you," she said, "but it won't come for free."

Eamon and Seraphina exchanged glances, willing to hear her offer. Amelia explained that the mobile mining town was heading toward a small plot of crystal nests that powered the town's machinery. She needed those crystals to fuel her glider, which was the reason she was on the town in the first place.

"If you can retrieve some crystals for me," Amelia continued, "I'll take you to Adalon in my glider."

Seraphina nodded, intrigued by the proposal. She inquired about the location of the crystal nests and the logistics of their retrieval.

Amelia provided the details—they would have to act swiftly, as the town would arrive at the crystal plot within the hour. The task was not without its risks, but the promise of a ride to Adalon beckoned like a beacon of hope.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Eamon and Seraphina agreed to Amelia's terms. They knew that their journey was one of challenges and unexpected alliances, and this chapter marked another twist in their quest to return to the mobile school that had become their home.

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