Chapter Ten: The Departure

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The bustling port town lay before Adalon, its cobblestone streets and colorful buildings a stark contrast to the intricate machinery and clockwork of the mobile school. Eager faces pressed against the railings of the school, the excitement of exploration dancing in their eyes. The moment had arrived—the first stop for re-fueling, a brief respite from Adalon's relentless journey.

The principal's voice echoed through the courtyard, announcing the much-anticipated opportunity. "Ladies and gentlemen, residents and students alike, you are now free to explore the port town at your leisure. Adalon will be docked for 24 hours, and the ship's bells will sound six times when it is time to return."

Eamon and Seraphina set out together, their footsteps echoing on the cobblestones as they ventured into the lively streets. The town was a vibrant tapestry of sights, sounds, and scents—markets teeming with exotic spices, docks bustling with activity, and streets filled with the laughter of both locals and Adalon's temporary visitors.

They sampled local delicacies, browsed through market stalls, and listened to the stories of the townsfolk who marveled at Adalon's presence. The hours passed in a whirlwind of exploration and adventure, and Eamon and Seraphina found themselves immersed in the vibrant culture of the port town.

As the day stretched into night, they lost track of time, drawn into the enchantment of their surroundings. The enchantment was so captivating that they decided to stay a bit longer in the evening and catch a performance at a waterfront theater.

However, amidst the laughter, music, and captivating stories spun on the stage, they failed to notice the passage of time. It was only when the final act took its bow that they realized the hour was much later than they had anticipated.

Panic surged through them as they hurried back to Adalon's docking point, their hearts racing. The school stood silent and still, the courtyard empty, the ship's bells silenced. Adalon was ready to depart, its engines thrumming with life.

Eamon and Seraphina's frantic shouts echoed through the deserted port town, but Adalon's engines drowned them out as it slowly pulled away from the docks. The realization hit them with a crushing weight—they had been left behind.

As Adalon moved further into the horizon, Eamon and Seraphina stood on the empty docks, watching the mobile school become a distant speck in the twilight. Their expressions mirrored a mix of fear, disbelief, and regret.

The principal's warning echoed in their minds—the school would stop for nothing and no one. Adalon's relentless journey would continue, with or without them.

With heavy hearts, they turned away from the disappearing form of Adalon, knowing that they were now on their own in an unfamiliar town, far from the only home they had known.

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