Chapter Sixteen: Reunion in the Sky

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The glider sailed through the boundless sky, and Eamon and Seraphina marveled at the breathtaking panorama below. Adalon emerged on the horizon, a sprawling city in motion, and joy bubbled within them. Their journey had come full circle, and the prospect of rejoining the mobile school filled them with elation.

However, a shadow loomed overhead—a vast, dark cloud that blotted out the sunlight. The cloud materialized into a flock of ominous black creatures, their wings slicing through the air as they descended upon the glider with ferocious intent.

Amelia, a skilled pilot, maneuvered with expert precision to evade the creatures' onslaught. Despite her efforts, the glider sustained damage, and its descent became inevitable. The trio braced for impact as the glider crash-landed in Adalon's courtyard.

The crash drew a crowd of concerned onlookers—students, residents, and staff gathered around the wreckage. Amid the chaos, Eamon, Seraphina, and Amelia were ushered to the infirmary to tend to any injuries.

Once treated, they were summoned to the headmaster's office, where they recounted the harrowing encounter with the winged creatures and the subsequent crash landing. Their homeroom teacher, a mix of relief and stern disapproval, scolded them for disobeying orders during the docking period. Despite their safety, consequences awaited them—one week of punishment in the engine room.

Eamon and Seraphina accepted their fate with a mix of remorse and understanding. The engine room, known for its grueling tasks, would serve as a reminder of the importance of following rules, even in the face of excitement.

In the aftermath, they sought out Amelia, relieved to find her unharmed. Amelia shared that Adalon had offered to repair her glider as a token of gratitude for her assistance. This news brought a glimmer of brightness to their otherwise challenging return. With the glider grounded for repairs, Amelia decided to linger on Adalon for a while. The trio, bound by shared trials and adventures, faced the consequences of their actions while finding solace in the safety of the mobile school.

As the bustling life of Adalon continued around them, Eamon and Seraphina reflected on the twists and turns of their journey. The floating city, with its diverse inhabitants and ever-shifting landscapes, held the promise of new beginnings and uncharted horizons.

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