You were my everything

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"It all started in Qing Qing city, China, when a baby was born producing a bright light. Soon people with these strange abilities started sprouting all over the world. Thus the era of quirks was born. Over time people started using their abilities to satisfy their own greed. Committing atrocious acts and crimes with no one to stop them. Until the profession 'Hero' was made. People who use their quirks to battle this evil. Now 80% of the world's human population are gifted with these abilities. Leaving the remaining 20% to die off. I was unluckily born without a quirk. Everybody gave up on me, telling me I could never be a hero. Except for one person. The only source of light I ever had in my life. This is the story of how I became the greatest hero to ever exist. Against my will, of course."


[Japan, Tokyo Musutafu Prefecture]

"Sorry Kid, it's not happening." The doctor said in a flat tone. He was a fat bald man with a bushy brown mustache and green goggles, sitting lazily in his teacher as if he hadn't just crushed the dreams of a five year old.

Izuku was shocked, the only thing bringing him back to reality being the gentle squeeze of his sister's hand. He looked at her and she squeezed tighter. Inko Midoriya attracted Izuku's fallen All Might action figure as she tried her best not to scream at the doctor for addressing one of her twins so coldly.

The doctor seemed unfazed by the rage aimed at him "According to research one of the major signs of quirklessness is the presence of an extra joint in such person pinky toe. Now for Izuku it's not only that, his body seems unable to hold a quirk while Izumi on the other hand seems to have the capacity of holding two quirks, so maybe she can still become a hero, although her brother has no -" "I would hold my tongue if I were you." Inko said. She was in her police officer uniform but with the recent development she doubted she would go to work today. She had smooth green hair in a ponytail and green emerald eyes. The twins on the other hands had green hair and emerald eyes, inheriting their father's freckles.

"So are you saying, I'm the reason my brother can't get a quirk ?" Izumi asked and Izuku looked at her in surprise, about to tell her it was okay only for the inconsiderate doctor to nod absent mindedly "Most likely, it can happen in the case of twins, although very rare."

Inko simpy left with her family as they drove home. As soon as they got home Izumi ran to her room, leaving Izuku and their mother "Darling-" Inko reached and called out to her daughter, prepared to comfort her and Izuku only for the mentioned boy to interrupt hair "I'l talk to her Mom, don't worry about it, I'm her big brother after all." he gave her a smile. Inko's heart shattered. How can such a kind and innocent boy be so unlucky. He deserved a quirk, he deserved to be able to achieve his dream. Here he was right after being told that his life could never be normal yet he was still thinking of his sister.

He ran to his sister's room and quietly opened the door, seeing a giant lump under the blanket.

He crawled onto her bed and approached calmly "Izumi" he called out and the lump visually finched "Wh-what do you want ?" she said in a cracked voice, obviously crying.

"I want to see my sister of course, why else would I be here." he said with a smile and happy tone. She felt her heart break into a million more pieces. How could he be so selfless.

"D-don't you hate me? I'm the reason you're quirkless, if I wasn't born then you would have a quirk, you become the greatest hero ever and you c-coud be happy, if I wasn't born-" he lifted the blanket off of her, showing her tear stained face "Then I wouldn't know what it's like to actually be happy."

She couldn't understand, he should be repulsed by her, he should hate her, yet instead here he was comforting her.

"Why ?" she said in a small voice "Why won't you hate me ?!" she said as more tears poured out of her eyes only for Izuku to wipe them off "I could never hate you Izumi, you're my little sister." he hugged her and she heaved as she stopped crying, trying her best to keep it together.

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