Cracking Masks

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Quick note. Inko is not fat in this AU. She is an athletic, badass, super mom and super cop.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Infinity girl flew at max speed, desperate to avoid her attacker. In the distance Endeavor's flames burned brightly as he flew after her, a javelin of fire in hand.

"Come on Enji" she said in a playful manner, skillfully hiding her panic "We both know that won't work against someone like me."

"QUIET VILLIAN!" He launched the projectile and Izumi raised her hands up as the fire washed over her. Once again duly protected by the infinity.

She took an abrupt turn and hid behind a water tower. She raised her fingers as a red ball of energy started forming "Please work, please work-" she begged only to hear a loud explosion, a heavy projectile smashing into her, pushing her to the streets.

In a daze she got up and looked at what had hit her. Nightmare.

Izuku's nose twitched at the familiar smell and his eyes widened as he looked at the white haired vigilante. He had been fighting against Mirko when she had gotten a little too excited and kicked him a little too hard.

His enhanced senses allowed him to pick up any smell, especially people. Izumi's hair was green. She was as short as him and her eyes definitely weren't crystal blue. But you can't change your smell.

For the first time in five years. He had seen his sister.

"Hey, what's the big Idea, I was busy trying not to get roasted alive." Izumi said

Before Izuku could think of a reply Endeavor and Mirko had landed on the opposite sides of the two of them. Both of the twins thought the same thing.


Nightmare spun his weapon and got in a fighting stance, Mirko was getting ready to lunge, Endeavor had fireballs burning in his palms and Gojo had activated her psychokinsis, ready to fling both heroes away .

"I need to get you out of here" "Wha-" before Izumi could speak a black smoky portal opened under them and suddenly they were in an alleyway across the city.

Izumi was confused "Why did you help me ?" she asked as Izuku leaned on the wall, his back facing her. Using his Shadow Gate for such a long distance had taken a lot out of him.

"Why are you a vigilante ?" he asked in all seriousness. Izumi was caught off guard by his sudden question. Maybe he knew something that could help her find out where Izuku was. "I'm looking for someone." she asked warily, not sure what type of reaction to expect from him.

For once, Izuku felt his heart ache. Izumi had somehow become a vigilante just to find him.

"Your brother's fine" Izumi could feel her heart doing leaps as she heard that piece of information "He wouldn't want you to do this. You're only making Izuku worried."

Before Izumi could ask any more questions the older twin had disappeared in a puff of shadowy smoke.

"How does he know about Izuku ?" Izumi thought aloud.


Izuku watched from a distance as Kastumi cleared the each, occasionally using her explosions to move bigger loads. She had made good progress with three months left to the UA exam. The 14 year old vampire was currently resting on a tree branch in casual clothes, sucking at a blood bag.

"Kacchan hasn't changed a bit." he said to himself as he finished his snack. As annoying as it was, Izuku was weaker during the day.

Still strong enough to stop a freight train, but not enough to go with some of the top ten heroes. And some of the top villains either.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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