Through Hell and back

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I am back with a new chapter. Did ya miss me ? Y'all missed me didn't ya ? Anyway, just a headsup about the timeline. Izuku was diagnosed quirkless at 5 years old, kidnapped at 7 and escaped at 10, the same age that Izumi became a vigilante. NOW ONTO THE GODDAMN STORY!



When Izuku had warped through the black sludge it felt suffocating on a whole new level. His vision was hazy as he looked around in the darkness, the corpse of the monster behind him. He kicked it away, a scowl on his face. He was drained, both physically and mentally. But he could worry about that later, for now he had to find a way out of this place and get back home.

"I did not expect my Nomu to be so easily defeated by a child. No matter, the Nomu accompished his goal atleast." the source of the voice came out of the shadows with two armed gaurds beside him.

The man wore a lab coat was fat and bald with a bushy brown mustache, his eyes hidden by his goggles.

A wave of recognition washed over Izuku "Y-you're the doctor that diagnosed me !"

He let out a laugh that was anything but good natured "You have quite a memory Izuku Midoriya. Hopefully I'll be able to salvage parts of your mind when I'm through with you."

The gaurd grabbed him and he struggled before something punctured his neck, the energy draining from his body as he his vision faded.

'Why am I, so..sleepy'


He awoke to the sound of hushed whispers and feet shuffling. When his eyes opened he was surrounded by kids his age or older.

"Where am I ?" he asked as he sat up. A girl with short lilac hair spoke up "So they got you too, the man in the labcoat?"

Izuku nodded "He was my quirk Doctor." Izuku stated as he sat up against the walls, cradling his aching head with one hand.

Most of the kids nodded in agreement "You're not the only one." the purple haired girl said. Her irises were white with purpe pupils "This room is constantly bombarded with quirk dampeners, so we can't use our quirks to get out. Some of us has been here for months, weeks, days. Everyday they take someone out and do horrible things to them. Sometimes the person comes back, sometimes they don't"

A small blonde girl in the corner broke out crying and some of the bigger kids tried comforting her, despite their situation.

Izuku frowned and clenched his fist. He wanted to help these kids. Their families must've been worried sick.

"Don't try being a hero." the purple haired girl coldly spoke, noticing the clenching of her arms. "It will do more harm than good. Trust me."

The door opened and a pair of armored guards walked in, heading straight for Izuku. They picked him up against his will and sedated him again.

The next time Izuku opened up his eyes he wished he hadn't. He was strapped onto a surgical table, a smaller tablle beside it holding surgical instruments and syringes filled with different substances.

Off to the side, the doctor hummed happily as he put on a pair of atex gloves and came up to Izuku "Hope you're ready for your test Subject Zero" the doctor said gleefully despite the 8 year old's hate filled glare "Why would you do this." he croaked out as the doctor checked his suppiles "Aren't you a doctor ? I thought you were suppose to help people!" he shouted at him in rage, which was soon replaced with fear as a dangerous glint appeared in the doctor's eye "Like you know anything. Children like are you are blind, protected from the true nature of the world. I tried helping the world but they shunned me, made a laughing stock out of my theory. I was offered a chance of revenge and I wasn't going to let go of it so easily. Now, make sure to scream for me, the terror makes this all the better !" he took a syringe filled with a blank inky substance and injected it into the boy.

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