Chapter four

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This chapter contains getting sick/throw up


"Uh, I don't trust myself with this." Nathan says, holding up a hammer from Chris' bathroom.

"Deal with it." Larray rolls his eyes, checking out the taser Chris gave him.

Madi has a knife already since she was helping Nick cook earlier and set it near her in the living room. She'd been carrying it behind her back the entire time.

Mario is holding a metal coat hanger. Something he called "improvising".

Matt had a bat, and Chris ran out of weapons so he decided he'd grab a knife from the kitchen.

"We all have flashlights on our phones, yes?" Chris asks.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and the group began splitting up.

"If I die, someone write on my grave stone that this was the white people's idea." Larri whispers as Chris opens his bedroom door.

"Shut up, Larri." Mario whispers nonchalantly.

They each go to different parts of the triplets house, Matt upstairs, Madi and Nathan on the basement floor, and Chris and Larray on the main floor. Mario said he'd "explore" and be their "alarm" if he saw the intruder.

The group split up, and when everyone was gone Chris grabbed a knife from the kitchen counter.

"This is white people shit." Larray rolled his eyes, walking back and forth in the living room, shining his flashlight on the walls.

Chris chuckles as he walks up to Larray. "Really?"

"Yes, bitch." Larray's voice is a few octaves higher, "I'm gay. I'm not built for this." Larray sighs, "let the straight white men be stupid and die."

Chris nods slowly.


Madi is in the garage, she hears a noise from under Matt's car and slowly bends down to check it out.

She sees feet on the other side of the car and quietly gasps as she begins crawling to a small hiding space.


Matt is pacing back and forth as he looks around Nick's room. He tries not to look in that direction as he does.

He holds his bat up, ready to swing. He doesn't have his flashlight on as the bat is metal and needs both hands.

Eventually, he hears loud footsteps increase towards him. Anxiety rises and with a shaky gasp, he turns around and swings the bat against the person.

He hears a grunt and then a loud thump as the person falls to the floor in front of him.

He frantically pulls his phone from his pocket and turns the flashlight on.

He gasps and drops his bat as he falls to his knees.

"Mario?" He asks, shaking the unconscious man.

"Mario?!" He asks, louder. He shakes his shoulder desperately trying to wake him up.

Eventually, Matt sees blood drip from his head, and he gasps. His vision gets blurry as tears well in his eyes.

Matt feels his breathing gets quicker. His mouth is open and his eyes are wide in shock.

Matt stands up, his entire body is shaking. He runs to Nick's bathroom as fast as he can and slams the door shut.

He breathes heavily as he slides down the closed door slowly. He lets out a sob before he hugs his knees to his chest and cries.

He keeps crying until he chokes on sobs. His brain flashes with the images of Mario and Nailea's bodies, and Matt gulps at the horrible feeling in his gut.

He hugs his legs tighter as he squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head, trying desperately to get those horrifying images out of his head.

Suddenly, the close up images of the blood, lifeless eyes, and stiff bodies makes Matt's stomach turn.

Matt quickly crawls to the toilet, slipping slightly on god-knows-what.

He finds his way in the dark. He lifts up Nick's toilet lid before emptying his stomach. Simultaneously, he empties his mind of the horrible images.

He coughs and chokes a few times before he takes a deep breath and leans away from the toilet. He wipes his mouth on the back of his shirt sleeve as he leans against the door leading to the toilet. He breathes deeply and slowly. In for four, out for four.

Eventually, Matt jumps when he hears a loud scream. He stands up and runs out of the bathroom, seeing Madi standing above Mario's body.

Matt plays it off and acts shocked as well. "What the fuck?!" He yells.

Madi shines her light on Matt, and after a few seconds of silence and uncomfortable eye contact, she backs away.

"Madi?" Matt asks stepping forward, "Madi, what's wrong?"

"Y-Your bat is laying beside him.. It's covered in blood." Madi stutters, tears falling down her face.

"What? I was in the bathroom?" Matt says.

"You would've heard him dying." Madi whispers.

"Not while I was having an anxiety attack and vomiting." Matt scoffs.

"There's blood on your face." Madi says, pointing under her left eye.

Matt copies Madi, and puts his finger under his left eye. He feels his cheeks turn hot as he brings his hand down and sees the red liquid on his fingers.

"Madi, I- I didn't do this!" Matt stutters.

"Did you bring us here for this?" Madi asks, tears streaming down her face, "to kill us?"

"What? No!" Matt yells, "Madi, I swear to fucking Christ we have no idea what's going on!" He defends.

Matt takes a few steps closer, but Madi runs out of the room screaming.


Nathan walks out of the closet on the downstairs floor and walks into Chris's room.

He paused when his phone flashlight shines on a pool of blood slowly leading to Chris' closet.

He takes a few steps closer, but cringes and steps back.

"What the fuck?" He whispers, crouching onto the floor to get a closer look at the blood.

He can't think of anyone's blood this could be. He quickly stands up and walks to the closet.

He swings the door open and his jaw drops as he backs up. His breathing picks up and gets shaky as he stumbles backwards.

Larray is sitting on the floor of the closet. His eyes are closed and a knife sticks out of his stomach. He's covered in blood and has blood dripping everywhere.

Nathan gasps for air as he slams the closet doors shut and runs to the on suite bathroom. He swings open the toilet seat lid and projectile vomits into the toilet.

He takes a few minutes to just do that before he slowly sits up and walks to the sink. He tries to turn the water on, but due to the power outage nothing comes out.

He reaches for his hammer, but he can't feel it. He quickly grabs his phone and uses the flashlight to check the bathroom and Chris' bedroom.

He leaves the room to check the closet and everywhere else.


Chris is pacing the living room, unable to get a connection on his phone.

"Fucking wi-fi server." He mumbles, rolling his eyes.

His eyes light up when all of a sudden Nathan's contact pops up. He desperately clicks on it.

Happy Friday the 13th!!

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