Chapter six

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Holy fuck this chapter is graphic oml -Jake


"Chris.." Madi whispers.

Chris turns to look at her, grabbing his phone in the process.

"You don't have your phone." Madi says.

"Huh?" Chris asks.

"You lost it earlier." Madi says, "that's how Nick died. You thought he took it, and when you were upstairs the killer got him." Madi reminds him.

Chris glances down at the device in his hands before looking back up at Madi.

"Chris, you haven't had it this entire time." Madi says, "we don't have cellphone service. We can't call people!"

Chris is about to speak, but Matt's bedroom door opens and he reenters. "Guys, my phone just rang." He announced, a bit of hope in his voice.

"Can we leave?" Madi asks, frantically grabbing her phone from her pocket.

Matt and Chris don't speak as she begins typing. She has tears streaming down her face and it's clear she's traumatized from tonight's events.

She puts her phone to her ear after a few seconds, and just as a 9-1-1 dispatcher answers her call,  a dark figure appears behind her.

Matt and Chris take a few steps back with wide eyes, but they don't warn the woman of the killer's presence.

Suddenly, a sharp weapon makes contact with Madi's back and she screams as she falls to the floor in pain. Her phone flies out of her hand and onto the floor.

Matt runs over and Madi starts to beg him for help.

"Matt!" Madi cries, "Matt help!"

Matt makes eye contact with the killer, and slowly looks back at Madi who's laying on the floor with a knife in her back.

Matt takes a deep breath before he stomps on Madi's phone, breaking it.

"Matt!" Madi yells, tears streaming faster down her face and soaking the wood floor.

The killer is quick to take advantage of the situation and harshly pulls the knife out of Madi's back. The process is repeated a few more times.

Matt and Chris don't do anything except try not to look. Suddenly, with a heavy sigh, the killer stops and stands up straight.

Madi's on the floor, brown eyes wide and lifeless. Unshed tears still run down her pale face.

Matt and Chris look at the killer with nonchalant looks. Chris puts his hands in his pockets as he leans against the counter. Matt tilts his head to the side, as if waiting.

The killer reaches up with their free hand, the other tightly around the bloody knife, and grabs their mask. Without hesitation the killer pulls the mask off their face.

"See, I told you it would work." Chris smiles.

"Yeah. They wouldn't have seen that coming." Matt agrees.

"Okay, but let's give me a round of applause for my amazing hard work." Nick scoffs, crossing his arms.

"Yes, Nick." Chris rolls his eyes.

"Good job." Matt sasses.

"Hey, he actually did something. Let's actually congratulate him." Chris says, smirking.

"I could've done better." Matt shrugs.

"Don't say that to me while I'm holding a knife." Nick deadpans.

Matt smiles at Nick before looking at Chris. "You dumbass!! You losing your phone was the whole point of Nick's fake storyline."

"My bad." Chris says, putting his phone in his pocket.

After a few seconds of silence, sirens are heard and faint red and blue lights shine in through the locked windows.

"Son of a bitch!" Matt yells.

"Okay, new plan." Chris sighs, throwing his phone on the floor so hard it breaks.

The older triplets watch the youngest as he runs over to Nick.

Chris snatches the knife out of Nick's hand and stabs him in the shoulder.

Nick gasps as the knife quickly enters and exits his shoulder blade.

"Ow!" Nick rolls his eyes.

"We have to make it seem like we're victims, too." Chris sighs.

"What?" Matt asks.

Chris ushers Matt over. When Matt gets close Chris stabs him in the gut.

Matt's eyes go wide as Nick gasps in shock. Chris pulls the knife from Matt as he slowly falls to the floor.

Nick falls with Matt, catching his brother when he falls forward.

"Chris, seriously?! That was not needed!" Nick yells, tears in his eyes.

Chris mimics Matt's injury on himself. Matt gasps and cries as blood pours from his stomach wound.

Nick stares at his two younger triplets in shock as Chris falls to the floor as well.

"Nick, be the last one standing." Chris whispers, blood slowly pouring out of his mouth.

Nick nods at Chris before he stands up, letting his two dying brothers lay head-to-head as they bled out near Madi.

Nick grabs the knife off the floor and in one quick motion, runs down the hall, squeezes his eyes shut and presses it into his body.

Nick falls to the ground with the knife in his stomach. When he falls, he lands against Matt's bedroom door. Matt's door opens and he falls into his room slightly.

With the metal in his stomach, every time Nick tries to breathe it hurts him more. Nick yells out in pain as he hears banging on the front door.

After a few more bangs, the door breaks open and Nick sees a bunch of blurry figures run up the stairs.

Nick gags at the metallic taste of blood running up his throat. He cries out in pain as tears stream down his face.

He feels a hand on his shoulder and a voice talking to him. Nick's ears are ringing so much he can't make out what the person is saying.

He can feel himself being lifted off of the ground before he loses consciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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