Chapter five

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Nathan goes to enter the hall closet, but his phone rings.

Shocked the wifi works, Nathan quickly picks it up.

"Hello?" He happily gasps into the phone.

"Ah, Nathan.. I see your phone is working."

"Wh-Who is this?" Nathan asks the unfamiliar voice.

"Did you like the surprise I left in the closet?"

Nathan feels his heart skip a few beats and his body drains of color. "You..." he whispers.

"Me." The voice chuckles.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Nathan yells into his phone.

"I've got something you're looking for."

"Let me guess: my hammer." Nathan rolls his eyes.

"Oh, and Larray said straight white men aren't smart in horror movies." The voice giggles.

"This isn't a horror movie, asshole."

"You're right. But it could be."


"The world's fucked up, Nathan. People make movies off of real experiences."

"I know."

"Yeah? Name one."

"What?" Nathan stutters.

"This is a game, Nathan." The voice sighs, "tell me a horror or thriller based on a real life experience."

"I-I don't know..?"

"You just told me you knew."

Nathan is shocked and scared. He's not sure what to say. He can't think of a single movie he's watched where it said "based on a true story" especially not horror or thriller.

"This costs you your life." The voice warned.

"I don't know!" Nathan yells, frustrated.

The voice doesn't speak. It allows Nathan to think. No matter how hard he thinks, Nathan can't come up with a movie.

"I don't know." He mutters, disappointment in his voice.

"Wrong answer." The voice says.

Nathan opens his mouth to speak, but a sharp object entering the back of his head cuts him off.

Nathan feels a sharp excruciating pain as he feels his head crack open. Blood spills and Nathan feels it. Suddenly, he's on the floor and he can't feel anything anymore.

Everything goes black and his ears ring.

All he hears is metal clattering beside him. His hammer. As he loses consciousness and his life.

Chris sighs as he turns his phone off. Suddenly, the screaming Madi runs down the stairs followed by Matt.

Chris jumps and turns to his friend and brother.

"What the fuck?" Chris asks.

"Chris!!" Madi yells, running over to him. She grabs onto Chris.

"What? What happened, Matt?" Chris asks his brother.

"She thinks I killed Mario." Matt scoffs.

"Mario's dead?" Chris asks.

"Matt's bat was bloody and laying beside his body!" Madi says, "plus, he has blood on his face, Chris!" Madi cries.

Chris looks up at Matt, scared. "Matt.." He whispers.

"Chris, please." Matt whispers, "why would I of all people do this?" Matt asks.

Chris doesn't answer, he just stares at his brother.

"Chris, for fucks sake!" Matt yells, tears streaming down his face, "please! I didn't do anything!" Matt sounds desperate.

Madi is silently sobbing into Chris' shoulder as Matt yells. Chris isn't sure what to say.

Matt stares in shock at his brother and friend as tears stream down his face.

He looks at them, hoping at least Chris is on his side. After a few minutes of silence, no one moves or speaks.

Matt scoffs and straightens his posture. "Fine.." He whispers. He storms off and down the hall to his bedroom. He slams his door shut.

Chris turns back to the crying Madi, and raises an eyebrow.

"And then there were two." He whispers.

"What?" Madi asks, looking up.

Chris shakes his head and walks to the kitchen for a can of Pepsi as Madi stares at him in shock.

Chris puts his phone on the counter before he puts the can of beverage on the opposite counter to open it.

Madi watches him silently until his phone begins ringing.


It Takes Three [A GhostFace AU]Where stories live. Discover now