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Hello, Dear Readers,

I hope you're all in good health.

I'm excited to share that this story will be updated soon. I've been hard at work on the next chapter.

Upon reviewing my previous storyline, I realized it had become quite complex and had veered off course. It lacked direction. I always had grand plans for this one, even I had drafted a complete book and reached out to several publishers, but I faced mixed results which all ended on rejections. I've come to terms with the rejections.

However, the second draft is also nearly three years old, and rereading it exposes numerous plot holes. My vision for this story was always to shape it into a romantic thriller, and I've devised a new approach.

To achieve this, I'm introducing a pivotal and central character to the narrative - "RAGHAV."

Who is Raghav? Why is he here? How will he play a crucial role? All will be revealed as the story unfolds. At this moment, I can only provide a hint: Raghav will be a profoundly significant character in this tale.

I'm eager to hear your thoughts and speculations. Who do you think Raghav might be? Your imaginations often surpass my own, so please share your comments.


Until We Meet


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