Spell of Venice

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Hello. At first i want to say that this story is NOT mine. My friend wrote it and when i read it i immediately knew that it's amazing and more people should read this masterpiece. She didn't want to publish it so i offered her my account. After lot of convincing she finally agreed (you'll thank me later). I didn't change anything. Every word is written by her. So i hope that you'll enjoy it

And yes i know it's perfect. My friend really has a talent. But I'm writing too rn so i hope you'll enjoy it too and won't stop reading mine because I'm bad :) anyway enjoy

You are tired—tired of all the flying, all the walking, tired of everything. But don't get yourself mixed up, you love every second of it
Your entire life is based on traveling.

You don't have a permanent home—well, you do, but you don't want to go there due to your parents' deaths. Every time you enter, you're flooded with memories from the night they died

You travel with a group all around Europe. You're planning to travel the world, and you still will. Currently, you're exploring Europe. After this, you'll head to Africa.

You're now in Prague, waiting for a bus to take you to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. You've already visited Croatia, France, Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic, and now you're heading to Slovakia as said before.

You're the only one in the group from Europe. Although you were born in Germany,
your English is excellent. The group originally had 5 people, but one left due to health
reasons, and you still keep in touch

As mentioned earlier, you're the only European;
everyone else is from North America

The group consists of Jacob, a 21-year-old with black hair and dark brown eyes, born in
Canada. He likes to tease you about being a year older

There's Ella with brown hair and
hazel eyes; she's 19 and from Florida

Then there's Liam, a 22-year-old brown-haired guy
from New York with green-ish eyes

Lastly, there's you, born in Berlin, with blond hair and blue eyes. You're 20 years old

"I think we should ask someone. What if we missed it?" Liam suggests

Liam is shy in public, but he transforms when comfortable, showing a different personality. He's also the caretaker of the group, always checking if something is forgotten and worrying about everything. You actually appreciate this trait. He's concerned if someone forgets something, though he'd likely deny it if you mentioned it to him.

"You can go. I'm comfortable here," Elle says

She's the fun one in the group along with
Jacob—both the adventurous members. Elle often drinks with Jacob, taking advantage of
Europe's legal drinking age

While she's speaking, you decide to approach the girls she's referring to, as no one else is willing

"Hi, do you speak English?" you confidently ask

You're confident in public, but private
situations make you feel more like a shy puppy

The girls appear to be 16-20 years old, both
sitting on a bench. One has brown hair, and the other has black hair

"Yes, how can I help you?" the brown-haired girl answers politely

"Well, my friends and I are traveling to Bratislava. Could you help us identify the bus and let us know when it's here?" You're certain they'll decline but to your surprise, "Yes, of course. Unfortunately, we're not on the same bus, but my gir- friend is. I'm sure she
can tell you when the bus arrives." The black-haired girl responds

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