Part of the Pack

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Chapter two

it was two minutes to the bell and after what seemed like forever it finally wrung first out. I put my stuff away and headed for the forest behind a school to go for a run. When I finally got deep enough, I shifted to my black, red, and white wolf. I didn't know I was on a packs territory till I heard low growls. I looked around for a way to escape but I was surrounded by the war wolfs. I wasn't stupid enough to sit there and fight so I shifted into my human form to show them I was not a threat. They all shifted and surrounded me.

"Don't you know better rouge" I'm guessing he's was the Beta of Jake's pack. Shit I'm screwed!

"I-I didn't notice I was on your l-land I'm sorry" I put my head down.

"Blake, Cj get and take him to cellar while I get the alpha. Everyone else can go back to the pack house." They nodded and blind folded me. What seemed like forever they finally uncovered my eyes? I was put in to a cell. All I could think about was if I would ever get out of here alive? Would I ever see my mom again or Jake? What are they going to do to me? How could I be so stupid? My last thought before I fell asleep was I'm sorry mom.


I woke up do they sound of a door slamming.

"Ok who a- shit I'm sorry Sammy. Jake please untie him." Jake set me free and I mumbled a thank you.

"I will be back Jake bring him to the pack house please" he nodded and we walk to the pack house together.

" how long of you been down there" he asked

" about 20 minutes after school ended"

"That almost seven hours ago"

"Can I see your phone I need to call my mom" after an hour my mom said she be here in five mins. It took a while to explain since she couldn't stop crying. There was a door slam and we turned are heads to see a pissed of mom. She ran to me curse the pack out in French. It was funny to see the strongest pack in the north, with their tail between their legs. Just then alpha came in to the room.

"Hello Mrs. Johnson" he said

"I want to speak to them"

"Don't worry ma-" mum interrupted him

"Don't tell me not to worry now tell them to get there asses here now" I held in a laugh. It was funny to see the alpha shake in fear of a 5'2 petite woman.

"Blake, Cj, Nate, Taylor get in hear" they came and my mum slapped them.

"If you touch my baby again I will ripped off your dick and shove it up your own ass! Do you hear me?" They all nodded without a second thought. The alpha then took us in to meet the pack he told them we weren't a threat and we were actually park of the pack now. We had a ceremony to make me park of the pack. I met all 300 wolfs and they got me and my mom's sent and I got there's. They welcomed me to the pack and showed us are rooms. We got settled for they night. Tomorrow we would pack and bring are stuff here. I fell asleep with a smile on my face for finally having a pack.

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