The Shocker

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Sammy's P.O.V

I woke up to the smell if bacon. Mmmmm bacon if I didn't have Jake as a mate bacon would be my mate.....God I love bacon. I walked down stairs to see my sexy ass mate making breakfast. I wrapped me arms around him and started teasing him while reaching for bacon. I was do close till he slapped me hand away.

"No bacon to I done cooking foo" Jake said

" but if u love me you would let me" I said as the door bell rung

"Just go answer the door nd you might get a bacon wrapped dick" he yelled as I walked to the door

"Now I'm hard nd you go-" I stopped shocked to see who I see. I can't believe it. He's here, right in front of my. I never thought I'd see the day. My brother was still alive nd here in my face.

"Who's at the do-"Jake starred wide eyed at the door. So that I'm not the only one that sees him.

"Sammy. .....Jake I'm glad to see you guys"

"Nick" was all we could say........................................................ ......

To Be Continued

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