Chapter 3 (The confrontation)

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Juliette's POV

"It's fine, I'll come with you then" I tell Anthony and for a second I see confusion in his eyes. 

"Are you sure, What they did was fucked up and it's okay to hate them right now?" He asks almost so politely that I forget about our argument regarding Anna.

 "I do hate them but I don't wanna hide, I'm not scared of anyone or anything"

 Anthony laughs at my comment which also made me reconsider what I said. "Why'd you laugh?" I ask confused and embarrassed. 

"No, it's fine just you actions tell otherwise. Are you sure your not scared of anyone?" He winks at me as he turns into a street I find familiar. My house. I blush as I think about what Anthony just said, "What? No...yes...I'm not and I want them to know that their mentally fucked up" I exaggerate that part for no reason. 

"Well good luck, I'll help you out if you need to, okay?" He says while smiling. 

"Yh well you didn't speak while I was getting forced to get married and doubt you will now"

The enters my house which was a nice villa, It wasn't as luxurious as the penthouse me and Anthony live in but it wasn't too small.

 Anthony leaves the car, walking to my door waiting for me to get out. "Do I look fucked up, shit do my clothes look bad, Fuck their too revealing, omg Anthony I don't think I am ready for this" 

I blabber forgetting who I am talking to, I felt like I wanted to vomit. "You look beautiful, and they can't criticise what you do cause now your mine, now come" he offers me his arm's as if he was waiting me to link my arms with his. I did it anyway and we walk into the house. 

I blush to his comment about me being his, There was something about that comment that gave me butterflies, I wanted to hug him. Kiss him. Tell him that I'm sorry that your married to my dramatic, annoying, bitchass.

We step inside the house. it was quiet and empty, reminding me of the past when I was the youngest of three living with my family. It almost made me tear up. In the living room, My father sat on a sofa with my mum and across him Anthony's father sat on a different couch. Both fathers discussing about something while my mum watched. 

Me and Anthony walk in and and they stop talking as they watch us enter. Everything felt wrong about it. I felt sick, my clothes felt too short and revealing, my makeup and hair felt messy. This house felt unfamiliar. they greet us with smiles, fake smiles. I don't smile back and neither does Anthony.

As we walk towards them Anthony takes a seat on a empty sofa and as he does my father calls out my name, "Juliette, My daughter come sit here" he points at a empty seat next to him, pushing my mum to the side of the sofa. I ignore him and sit next to Anthony. He looks away, you could see the embarrassment in his eyes but he understood that I was pissed. Both the fathers began to talk again but this time they included Anthony, he was cold and quiet and only answered what they asked.

 "So, Juliette you wanna be a lawyer?" I break out of my day dream when I hear that Anthony's Father, Anderson, asking me something.  At first I didn't wanna answer but I felt Anthony's walm hands on my thighs, he was trying to tell me to answer him. "Well, I wanted to do more than that but I don't think its possible anymore" I roll my eyes, answering his question. 

"You know I had a lot of dreams but why do you guys care right. I'm just a girl that you can chuck with a guy for business purposes?" I say with a laugh and sarcasm. Weirdly I was enjoying being mean, it made me feel so nice. They deserve this attitude from me, its the least they deserve. 

"Juliette stop being dramatic and grow up, I don't wanna create a scene but mature up" 

I laugh, like literally laugh and roll my eyes as my father, James, lectures me. Anthony's hand was still on my thighs, As if he thinks its gonna help me not have a mental breakdown. I see the cruel expression on Andersons face, it looked like he was enjoying this, loving watching his son and me suffer. Watching James suffer.

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