Chapter 14

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Juliette's POV


I wake up to my phone ringing. I open my eyes, my vision still blurry and reach for my phone. I brink a couple of times to clear my vision and the time read. 


Holyshit. I look around and realize I'm In Anthony's room. And....

He isn't here. Shit his at work. I slept in so much what! I check my phone and see the recent call history. Rah had given in 2 missed calls. 

I laugh to myself. She probably thinks I am kidnapped again or something. I ring her back and she picks up almost too instantly.

"Good morning sleepyhead" She yelled from the other side.

"Hey, sorry I slept in. Last night was crazy" I say while getting out of bed and making my way to my room. 

"Last night was crazy? Girl did yall fuck?" She asks and suddenly I get tense. 

"No. What. NO. NOT At ALL" I say and continue. "That isn't something to joke about dude" 

"Girl chill. You need to give me every little detail. I'm coming this afternoon. okay!" She says.

"Omg. are you telling or asking. Because I need to ask Anthony if you can come over or he will decapitate your head thinking your here to stab me" I yap, while scrummaging my wardrobe to find a less braggy fit to wear.

"Oh. I already asked him. He said I am more then happy to come. He even sent the address himself." She says and I stop hunting for clothes and sit on the sofa in my room. 

"Your bullshitting? How the hell did you talk to him?" I ask.

"I called you in the morning. at 8am, while I was on my way to Uni and instead of you picking up it was your man and I asked him and he said yh. Bro he sounds like super hot." Rah yapps. 

"Your definitely leaving something out. I don't trust you. Wait I'll call you back" I say. Rah was used to getting her way. well most of the times. And I also knew how to read her, when she was lying or hiding something. She wasn't telling me a part of the story.

I ring Anthony.

1 call. I hang-up.

2 call. I hang-up.

3 call. I hang-up.

I reach to press it one more time when instead he calls me instead.

"Are you seriously kidding me right now? I'm at work for goodness sakes" He says with a passive aggressive tone. Why the hell is he so grumpy for? Not like his gonna be fired or anything.

Instead of hearing it, I hang-up on him instead. Like bitch, a little manners ffs.

I put my phone down, and go back to the wardrobe. I think I'm going to have a mental breakdown. NEVER FUCKING MARRY A FASHION DESIGNER. I yell to myself. 

I start searching the draws for trackpants. until I finally found a draw with shirts and trackies. I sigh, thank god.

I take the clothes and make my way to the shower.

My outfit:

My outfit:

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After finishing getting fully ready, finishing my makeup and skincare. I ate Nutella bread because I genuinely didn't know how to cook and all the things I knew I wasn't bothered making them. I am about to go back to my room to finally get my phone ever since I hung-up on Anthony, when I head the penthouse elevator open and Vagas walked in. Behind him was Anthony. I walk towards them. 

"Hey, your already back from work?" I say.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now" Anthony says with his eyes piercing my soul.

"What do you mean? what happened?" I ask calmly.

"What happened is, you call me and I pick up and then you hang up on me. THEN when I call you like 600 times you didn't pick up. I FUCKING THOUGHT YOU GOT KIDNAPPED" He yells while showing his phone call history while standing besides Vagas who just stood there.

"Dude, I'm okay. I went to have a shower I didn't see your calls. I'm sorry" I say trying to end the fight.

I have actually never in my life, to how long ever I have been with him, seen him so mad before. I wanted to hug him to calm him the fuck down but that would be so corny and cheesy. I honestly just wanted him to walk away. 

"I'm talking to you. Juliette, I'm gonna loose it" He breaks me out of my calm state.

"Look I apologised what the fuck else do you want me to do. why the fuck were u yelling at me when I called you? Isn't a wife fucking allowed to call her husband? Or you haven't considered me you wife yet?" I say and walk away to my room. Like literally fuck this. His acting like he cares so much about me. 

I was so fucking excited to talk to him about last night, the movie and how cute it was that we slept on the same bed. But no, he ruined it. Fuck my life.

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