Chapter 22 - Grief

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Juliette's POV

I stretch my body on the balcony of my room, the view was beautiful and I wished I admired it more often. There was just so much parts to this penthouse that were undiscovered. The house was weirdly quiet and peaceful, I make my way to the living room, empty, and then the kitchen, still empty, and then the office. Empty. I must up all my guts and knock on Anthony's room door. no reply. I know again this time louder. Nothing. I open the door and no one was in it. 

Something starts to kick in, Panic? Worry? Anxiety? I don't know. what if he just went to work. But it was pretty early for him to just go to work. 


I recount last night, him getting out of the car. when I got back to the penthouse, I went straight to my room, showered, talking to rah about her date and slept. I don't remember him coming in after that. Wait what if he didn't come back? What? 

I pick up my phone, I had nothing from him. At all. My phone was dry, consisting of nothing but messages with rah. I have a Uni lecture at 11:30am but I don't know if Anthony's gonna let me go after what happened yesterday.

I dial Anthony's number and wait. beeep. I call again. I wait...beeep. I try once more but this time he picks up. 

"hey" His voice seemed off, like it wasn't him at all. It's not him. "Vagas? Where's Anthony?" I guess.

"Maam, something happened last night" Vagas reply's his voice seemed dull and sad.

"What happened, Vagas is everything okay?" I say, my heart beat increasing rapidly.

"Please check the News, Also I don't recommend going to University today, or inviting anyone over." He says, I quickly bring the phone into my hands without hanging up and go to google news. 

"Multi Billionaire Anderson's ex-wife, passed away today, Will both his son's reunite after years of separation to grieve for their mother?"

"Oh My Gosh, Vagas, is he okay?" I say yelling at my phone as I read the article, the photos of him in the cemetery, and his.....his brother. Fuck. They look like the same person. The brother's expression was different though, he had tears, on the other hand Anthony was sad, but no tears.

"I can't really be the judge of that, he will be back home in a while, anyways I got to go" He says and I let him hang-up. 

 My heart shatters into pieces reading all these articles. People are brutal, the controversies of how their mother died, photos of them when all they wanna do is see their mother off in piece. I wanted to hug Anthony, he looked so sad it made my heart burn. I have been such a bitch, yesterday would have been a horrible day for him. I forgot that he at the end of the day is still a human, rich or famous doesn't matter. 

I need to stop being a spoilt brat. 

I go back into my room and change into something that is more appropriate for this and wear:

I go back into my room and change into something that is more appropriate for this and wear:

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By the time, I get changed, I hear the elevator pulling up. I wait for him to enter and then I leave the room. When I leave I am confronted with not only Anthony but with his twin brother. I stare into both of their souls. They both looked tired and done. 

"Hey...I'm sorry for what happened" I say and regretting it, wtaf do I say for their mother passing away. I actually suck at this.

"Don't apologise, it's not your fault." Anthony says, I can tell its him because of his attire, he his had his button up shirt and suits pants however his brother was wearing a normal black shirt with grey sweats. 

"Mike, go to that room, get some sleep" Anthony says facing his brother whose name I just remembered is Michael. He nods and walks to the guest room. Anthony goes and takes a seat on the lounge sofa.

"Are you okay?" I ask taking a seat on the sofa opposite to him. I didn't wanna be clingy by sitting next to him. I look into his eyes, they were red and swollen. He needed sleep desperately and anyone could tell.

"Yh, I'm good, I'll drop you off to your Uni soon. Get ready" He says, his tone was still off, and sad. 

"It's okay, I already messaged the lecturer that I won't make it today, I wanna be here for you" I say, and I was right, I did wanna be here for him. He needed it and I felt so so so so bad for yesterday. "Also, I'm sorry for being a bitch yesterday" I say finishing my sentence.

Anthony rubs his fingers on his forehead indicating he had a headache. "It's okay, I forgive you" He says and continues, "Vagas, get me the Xanax from my office" Anthony yells out, expecting Vagas to hear it.

" sent Vagas home. To rest. Are you seriously okay? I'll get the Xanax for you" I say, a serious expression covers my face. 

"Ahh, fuck!" He says and continues. "It's in my office". I nod, getting up and running to his office. I go towards the table and look around. There was nothing but files and sketches and pictures of dresses and outfits. It was neat and tidy though. I open the first draw and find a box of tablets. A lot of them, all kinds. I shuffle through them, Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, Cymbalta, Effexor, Lexapro....and.....I'm about to pick up another one when I see Xanax from the corner of my eyes. I put the other down and pick up Xanax. All that was going on in my head was....Why? so much medications and pills and drugs. Is he that kind of guy? should I be concerned? I take the Xanax and make my way out of the office. I go to the kitchen and get a glass of water. 

I make my way back to him, whose eyes were closed and it looked like he was falling asleep. Or was he asleep. I sit next to him this time and put the glass of water and medicine on the table Infront of him and shift his head into a comfortable position. While I'm doing so Anthony wakes up. He looks around and then at me. He then shifts his head down at the table, picking up a pill and throwing it in his mouth, and then picking up the water and elegantly drinking it. 

"Anthony, listen if you wanna talk about anything you can, I will listen" I attempt to get something out of him.

"I don't even care, she left me, abandoned me. Why the fuck should I cry. Why do I feel like this? Why does my heartache so much" He says, his eye's teary but still not crying. It looked like he was in pain a lot of pain. I get closer to him and rest his head on my shoulder and pat his head.

"She was still your mum, no matter if you hated her or not. Deep inside you missed her and that's why you feel like this. The more you deny it, the more it's gonna hurt. Stop holding it in, let it out" I say peacefully, calm and gentle. He doesn't do anything. I'm guessing his thinking about it. If I'm right or wrong. 

"Juliette, if you ever become the mother of my kids. Please no matter how much we fight, never abandon them"  He says and I'm caught by surprise. I don't make a big reaction, he was in grief, it made full sense why he said what he did. 

"Don't worry, I promise I will love our kids more then anything in the world" I say still patting his head. And before I knew it, Anthony had fallen asleep on my shouldier.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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