2. Different times, same mistakes

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I sighed as I walked back to the elevator and went one floor down and found my desk.
I sat down down and began to work, just answering phone calls, and filling out paperwork.

After an hour, it was lunch, and since I was the former newbie, I had to get coffee for everyone. Which sucked ass.........
And I only had 30 minutes of lunch time.

After getting coffee ready, and stacking them up all together, I only had 15 minutes left to spare.
My dumbass decided to run.
Not a good idea by the way............

I ended up running into other employees, including the boss, dropping the coffee everywhere.
"Oh mother of fuck..." I said under my breath, looking everywhere around me, then giving a glance at Bryce, who sucked in her cheeks, looking down at me giving me a slight angry look since I slightly got coffee onto her outfit and shoes.

Overwhelming guilt and embarrassment came over me. I fucked up, and by the looks of Bryce walking off, and the looks of others faces, it possibly meant that it was time for me to get up and follow Bryce back to her office and try and save my job.

And I did exactly just that.

"Ms. Tankthrust I'm so very very sorry the others wanted me to get the coffee and knowing how short the lunch break is, I haven't quite eaten anything today so I just wanted to hurry. I'm so very sorry I got your outfit ruined I promise I'll-"
Bryce held up her hand, cutting off my sentence.
"Get me a few napkins and sit down y/n."

"Yes ma'am.." I responded, quickly leaving the room to grab a handful of napkins and then speed walking back towards her office.
I nervously handed them to her and took a seat, and as she was blotting her outfit off she threw the napkins down, and sat down, hovering over her desk a bit.

"So.. You realized what you did was god awful and fucking stupid. But you knew that you had to meet me here at my desk without me yelling at you to do so. Which is respectful. I like that in a goddamn employee.
BUT it still means you're fucking stupid and you should think twice about what you do no matter how short a break is." She had a huge smile on her face as if she wasn't happy, but she wasn't disappointed either. Then she started talking again.

"You're not fired I suppose. Sigh, the point that I'm trying to get to is, that, I was exactly like you when I first worked here. I didn't think twice on what I did, all I knew is that I had to be on time and do things quickly. So you see if I wasn't so much like you from a while back your ass would be fired and long gone from here."
A wave of relief came down on me, and I sighed.

"Thank you so much. Again I'm really sorry, I promise I'll try harder not to fuck up and I promise I'll think twice before doing something that would make me seem stupid. I'm so glad to be working here. This is my first job, and I'm just trying to prove to my father, which is already dead, that I can be hard working, and that I can get on top of this damn food chain of a world."
Bryce looked at me up and down, and folded her slim fingers together.

"I see. I'm the same way like you are. Trying to prove to my mother that pic pocketing isn't the way to go in life. That I can be better than her, and that I'm not like her. You've got strength to be a hard worker, don't give that shit up. Now.... why don't you go home for the rest of the day and I'll see you bright and early tomorrow. From the sounds of how you are, you can be my lovely new assistant. And I'll make sure you don't fuck up any longer." She smiled, and got up opening the office door, showing me the way out.

I nodded my head, and walked out. The door slamming behind me, giving me quite a startle.

Maybe being her assistant won't be bad.... besides, there's just something about her that... understands me. The way she talks, and moves around, I could be used to this.
Maybe... maybe not.... maybe I'm falling for my boss....?????

End chapter

Used up Hearts <<Bryce Tankthrust x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin