3. Valentine's Day

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Few weeks later

A few weeks went by, and everything seemed to go pretty great.
This morning I got up a little early to freshen myself up and finally get breakfast before heading over to work.

Whenever I walked in the company, I saw Elmer hanging up some Valentine's day hearts and signs along with other things. "Why are you decorating the office?" I asked him, he looked over at me while he was putting tape on paper to stick it to the wall. "Bryce said that she wants us to be more presentable on holidays so we started to decorate the offices every holiday. Though that just started last thanksgiving."

"Interesting." I reply, moments later I hear a heavy set of heels stomping a bit rapidly into the main office.
"What is this shit?? Take it down now! Donovan help me tear this shit down.!" Bryce says, ripping the heart shaped paper off the walls. "But ma'am I thought you wanted us to decorate on holidays?" Elmer questions, getting a bit spooked.

"Yeah well not this Holiday! I hate this holiday! Reminds me every year how I don't ever have.... sigh.. love. Now take this shit down now!!" She yells, shoving the ripped paper on Elmer's chest, then stomping back to her office.
I pat Elmer's shoulder and help him clean everything up. And after, I go to Bryce's office where I have my own small desk settled in there and sit at my seat.

Bryce is sitting silently filing down her nails, and I sit at my seat thinking to myself.
Poor Bryce... hating on a romance holiday all because she never had anyone to love her or having anyone to call hers.. I mean it's understandable, I'm the same way, I just wish I could do something to cheer her up on this day. Hm ....

I got it. The idea of going to the nearest store to grab some treats and a card for Bryce popped into my head as I turned to face Bryce.
"Miss, is it alright if I go to the nearest store quickly to grab some things? I won't take long. And you have my number if you need me in case of any emergency."
Bryce looked at me, and replied with annoyance. "Sure but don't take too long. Grab me a coffee while you're out. You know my order."

And by that I quickly left the work place and went to the nearest store. I grabbed a singular rose, and a small box of chocolates, and a small valentines day card.
I then went to a coffee shoppe, and ordered Bryce's drink, then went back to work. Before I walked in, I got everything ready then headed inside.

I wanted to make sure Bryce wasn't in her office so I went and got Elmer to distract Bryce in another room.
Whenever I got to the office I went and laid the stuff down, then left finding Bryce to give her the coffee.
"Thanks. Took you long enough, I'm going to get this paperwork done and figure out which company I'm going to give fucking charity to." She said, walking off. I went to the main office entrance and started to dust off counters, then after a few moments I hear the sound of heels stomping rapidly.

"Alright who did it?! Who put this shit on my desk?!" She yelled out. Everyone getting confused, and worried. "Was it you?" She asked one of the employees. "No ma'am!!" They replied getting scared.
She kept getting into people's faces until I finally outed myself.

"It was me Ms. Tankthrust! Uhm... I wanted to do something nice." I said, feeling regret.
"You. My office. This instant." She stormed off.
Now I was really regretting my plan....
I followed her into the office and closed the door behind me.

"Why would you do this? Knowing I hate Valentine's Day, why? To toy with me you bitch??" She asked, slamming the things of chocolates and card on the desk.
"W-well Bryce I knew you hated Valentine's Day.. but I didn't do it to mess with you. I knew that you never had anyone to love you, and it made me feel bad.. I wanted to do something nice, and you see..." I paused for a moment, and went over to my desk and grabbed the rose that was lying there.

"There's been something I've been needing to tell you. ..
I like you Bryce. I know you're my boss, I know I've only been working here for a month, and I know I barely know you. But knowing you for as long as I've had, and being around you because of me being your assistant, I've grown to like someone like you. And I understand hating this day because... I've never had someone love me either. I just wanted to do a nice thing, even if it meant that you hate this day even more."

I felt my cheeks go red, as I embarrassed myself by telling her my feelings, Bryce standing in front of me, shocked.

Short Bryce POV

I was shocked at what y/n had said. I didn't know what to feel in that moment.
But I do know I was most definitely fucking flattered. I felt my used heart beat heavy in my chest, as I stared at y/n's eyes.
I relaxed all my muscles that were tensed up, y/n made me calm.

Did she mean it? Does she actually mean the words that came out of her damn mouth?

Maybe I could... give this thing a try.

Back to y/n's POV

Bryce grabbed the rose and placed her hand on my arm.
"Roses are great, but it'd be even better if you didn't surprise me with this shit and just asked me out. This is a third grade move." She said softly, trying to not make this situation awkward.

"Uh we can go out if you'd like." I replied, feeling relieved that I didn't get fired or such by this stunt. And to believe she said she'd prefer a date... wow I'm all types of down for this woman.

"Great. Tomorrow night at 8. I suppose you'll be the one to pick me up, since it's the most non asshole way to go on a first date. And I am your boss still so what I say goes." She said, kissing the top of my hand, giving me a huge smile, then turning to walk out the office door.

I squeal on the inside, I don't know why I'm this happy but I am. It's a date. And I'm hella nervous about it.

End chapter.

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