4. The date

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It was the day after Valentine's day, and it was the day of the date I was taking on Bryce.

I layed in bed for 20 more minutes, and so, I was dozing off to sleep again.
That was up until I hear my phone ring. I was too late to answer, so I let it go to voicemail.

Bryce voice message- Well good afternoon y/n. I hope I didn't interrupt what you're currently doing. Just wanted to call and make sure our plans are still on for tonight. Just giving myself reassurance so I don't end up getting stood up or not.
So whenever you're done doing whatever the fuck you're doing, give me a call back or text me. Now goodbye.
End voice message.

Knowing she needed reassurance, I sent her a message letting her know that the plans were still on for tonight.

Text message-

Y/n: Hey, sorry that I didn't answer your call, I was trying to wake up and was too late to answer, but don't worry, the plans are definitely still on for tonight. <3

Bryce: Good, just needed to know. See you at 8. I'll meet you at your place.


I had about 10 minutes left to get ready, and I still haven't picked out an outfit, and I was basically standing around in a towel.
As I was rummaging through my closet, I heard a few knocks on the door. Crap that's her. I thought to myself going through a full panic.
Rushing through the door, I opened it, leaving only my face showing. "Heeeyyy Bryce- you're here early.?" I ask.

"Yes, I know that y/n. I figured I'd get a small... tour of your suit." She answered, giving me a big wide-eyed smile.
I cleared my throat, "Hm yes of course. But uh... I haven't had time to change clothes because I can't seem to find anything nice to wear so I'm kinda stuck in a towel right now if you don't mind.."
I said, as I moved the door more open, I saw Bryce look me up and down, and blink rapidly.

"Well, no worries. I can help you with that. You mind if I come in?" She asked, smiling at me again.
And as I let her in, I saw more of what she was wearing. Her hair was rather shoulder length, and straight. Wearing a red decorative shirt with a brown fur coat and black tights and her red skirt. And a thing of pearls to go with the fit.
She looked absolutely stunning....

(A/n: if you seen her wear the outfit, you definitely know what I'm talking about when describing it

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(A/n: if you seen her wear the outfit, you definitely know what I'm talking about when describing it. If not there is the photo^^^^)

So after I gave her the small tour of my apartment, I lead her to my closet and she picked me out an
outfit to wear.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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