Chapter 24

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Rosalie's demand for the abducted Rosemont students to be freed and returned to the human world where reached out not long after Paimon's injuries where treated and he had made an announcement to the other goetia family that hadn't heard what happened, though word spread like wild fire about Rosalie fighting Paimon all threw out the rings of hell and it even reached Lucifer's ears. He knew Rosalie well enough that she wouldn't fight a high class demon without reason and he knew her that she could have easily killed him after he watched the video of her fight with Paimon, word reached Charlie's ears after 666 news station went crazy about the battle and with hearing Rosalie's demand for the release of the captured Rosemont students and if they weren't meet she would start a war and hunting  any upper class or royal demon that refused her demand even if it meant fighting the sins if she had too. Not only covering Rosalie but also Willow with her live stream post alongside with her husband, there was a bit of fear with some demons in not wanting to be hunted by the golden Belmont and not wanting a war with the Grand Duke's family since they where allies with Rosalie because of Willow.

Because of that fear and the face work Rosalie did to Paimon within a few hours the captured Rosemont students from the past eight years where freed and brought back to the living world, though some of the female students did have children around six and seven years old they choose to leave them and a couple of students that where abducted within the year where already pregnant. Rosalie, Willow and the Rosemont teachers where happy in the return of the students and those that where pregnant where imminently taken to the healing class where they begged Rosalie and Flora to terminate there pregnancy now that they where free from there captors, it would be easy terminated the girls that where under early pregnancy. It was the ones that where in mid term that would be hard. Some of those girls already had half demon children before not that long ago, as for the rest of the students they where over the moon happy in returning to the living world and a celebration party took place in there return.

" This is quite the surprise, didn't think you wanted to have a chat on MY turf?" Where Rosalie's words in her head master's office sitting in her chair and across from her was Lucifer

"Let me guess? This is about Paimon isn't it and my little threat to hell?"

"This isn't the first time a Belmont threaten the Goetia family, I believe it was the first Belmont that started it. Clearly you got that from him?" Those where Lucifer's words to Rosalie and she spoke up

"You know damn well I treasure my students and there safety, if they want to mingle with demons it needs to be REAL and not forced. Do you have an fucking idea now traumatized most of them where especially the pregnant students and the students that where forced to have kids before I made that threat." 

"That's what I've heard, others are terrified of you and it's the reason why I'm here. About the late term pregnant students, the royals that I've spoken too still want there children as soon as there born"

"Good I'll let them know imminently, they didn't want to raise those kids wanted me to kill them the second they came out. I'm not the fond of killing children." While Rosalie spoke she stood up out of her chair and still spoke in a serious tone

"If that's all..leave I have A LOT of shit to do and I don't want you here." With that said Lucifer rolled his eyes as he stood up and created a portal back to hell

"I met your daughter recently, she sure doesn't take after YOU. It's been a while since I met someone with a similar ideals like myself in wanting chance." Those words that Rosalie spoke made Lucifer stop before he went threw the portal and he looked over at Rosalie and was surprised

"You met Charlotte? Don't tell me your wanting to help her with that hotel she's doing?" Rosalie didn't give him a verbal answer she just smiled at him that almost worried him and then Rosalie spoke up

"To be honest I felt a type of....connection with her for some reason. Strangle a similar feeling that I have with YOU that almost a little unique, I know damn well you have a little feeling just like Charlie did when I first met her. I know YOU don't like talking about it." Lucifer didn't say anything he gave her a disguised look before he returned back to hell, the fact that his enemy became his daughter ally in her cos really got under his skin and he couldn't do anything about it.  

Rosalie wasn't kidding when she said she was busy, treated the returned students would take some time especially the female students that where still pregnant and under Flora's care until the children where born. With Twilight's and Lucrecio's help they knew the identities of the demon fathers and gave that information to Rosalie, Leopold and Samir wanted to help as well in some way. So Rosalie has asked them in gathering some ingredients for special food pills for the pregnant students and that's what they did, being in New Orleans finding strange herbs wouldn't be hard and Rosalie owned several shops that she uses in getting certain plants and ingredients for spells and other stuff.

"Twenty pregnant students, Luc this is a fucking nightmare. I can't imagine what these poor girls went threw?" Rosalie said that in her home office with her husband with her looking at the paper report that was given to her from Flora, Lucrecio was looking at another paper report with the same worried look as Rosalie

"Also a total of around fifteen that already had children and left them in hell they where branded before you stepped in." Rosalie sighed and set the papers down

"There's got to be someone of high status that can help us out besides Willow and Eadwardsone?....Can you bring Leopold here? I want to ask him a few things? Him and Samir should be back by now."  Lucrecio kissed Rosalie before he left the room, luckily Rosalie didn't have to wait long after she had wrapped up with writing down in dealing with the mental trauma of the students both female and male. Leopold had entered Rosalie's office out of his human disguise.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Indeed about the traumatized students and the goetia family that assumed thee idea after Willow married into the Grand Duke's family." Her saying that Leopold was a little confused as he sat down on the chair that was offered to him and he questioned her

"What does this have to do with me?" Rosalie still kept serious both in her voice and the look she gave him

"When Luc told me about you the first time...something imminently clicked. You couldn't have faked your death on your own, you had help. By someone more powerful than you, that's the goetia that I want to talk too and can help with the situation. I know there's still a small search party looking for you and they won't find you under MY roof, just give me a name and myself and Luc will handle the rest."

Leopold was a little hesitant at first and he revealed the person that helped him, that person was his uncle King Bael. Rosalie had seen him only once during Willow's wedding and the only Goetia that wasn't afraid of Rosalie, in fact she remembered him being very pleasant to her which she found a little odd considering her bloodline. She also remembered what Willow said about him saying how he was happy seeing true love even from two different species, along with mentioning how both of her daughter's where scared of him when they where both very young.

After Leopold left she had contacted her son-in- law Eros about learning more about King Bael, it took close to an hour after Eros told Rosalie what he needed to hear about him before she ended the call. Upon hearing both stories it only made Rosalie more curious in meeting Bael face to face and having high hopes in him being her ally in hell, she still wanted to plans in having Charlie visiting still happening so she wanted to speed things up a little.... 

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