Chapter 40

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On the day of the extermination day Rosalie wasn't in hell for the battle but rather in heaven, using the invisibility cloak in secretly getting into heaven and slipping in the prison where Alexander Belmont was being held. Yes she was wearing the signature Belmont robes and her hair in a high up ponytail with half of her hair chopped off in feeling light weight for battle, if she didn't have her invisibility cloak she wouldn't have gotten passed the gates to the prison. Despite the large size of the prison it was masked to look just like any building in heaven in order to avoid being noticed by the 'winners' Rosalie knew there where about ten guards in the building and had to kill them first, using her stealth and the special angelic hunters dagger. When made in contact with angelic flesh it crystalizes the flesh that it comes in contact with and the effects are irreversible, it took Rosalie a good ten minutes until she reached the prison door cell that Alexander was held in and her killing the last two guards in the prison while still wearing the invisibility cloak.

  "Hope you haven't been waiting too long?" Rosalie said that while taking off the cloak as she took the prison key off the petrified corpse and she head Alexander's voice from inside the door as she unlocked it

"I'm glad you came."


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Rosalie had entered the cell and freed Alexander from his chains including the chains that where cuffing his four wings two black and two white, the more she looked at him she knew where her father got his looks from but unlike her father Alexander had demonic horns looking like a mix of a demon who became an angel.

"Ready for your revenge?" Rosalie said that as she held the cloak to Alexander and he gladly excepted it

"I've been ready for almost a thousand years and I have you to thank for this. I'm actually looking forward in meeting your husband and kids after this." After his said that Rosalie used her powers and opened a portal to hell before Rosalie went threw after Alexander she opened her four golden wigs and flew directly threw the portal that closed when she went threw it,  they had shown up in time in the middle of the battle at the Hazbin Hotel.

"This brings me back to my childhood."Alexander said that to Rosalie seeing the battle from high above for them not to be noticed

"Who would have thought you didn't trust heaven." Before he spoke Alexander flipped over the cloak and activated it's invisibility properties

"I didn't trust this universe's heaven, I'm happy I was right, it's much worse." With that said he put the hoodie over his head and was now completely invisible, just when Rosalie was about to jump into the fight she used her link to Lucricio for him to witness the fight himself and it inform the rest of the family who was in the human realm including Leopold and Samir who where with them. It wasn't just them with the right connections all of the students from Rosemont Academy and University where able to watch the battle in hell with a special portal transmission, it wasn't just for support for Rosalie but also showing the truth that heaven had been covering up. Rosalie wasn't going to miss an opportunity in exposing heaven's corruption and certainly exposing Sara's poor lack of judgment and stripped of power

"Now I won't hold back." Where Rosalie's words to herself as she dived down to the battle field and using her magic in increasing her speed and she was on time in saving Adrianna when an angel got the drop on her by cutting the angel's head off using the special sword.

"Rosalie." Adrianna said her name happily as her help up her adopted daughter and the angel that cornered them slowly backed away from Rosalie as she looked directly at the angels 

"Your either brave or very stupid?" Right as she said that the outer lines of her body started glowing golden as did her eyes

"I'm gonna go with stupid." With that said Rosalie swung her blade that released out a wave of her magic thus cutting the angel's that surrounded them in two, in which the allied sinners dodged her including Charlie and Vaggie.

"Rosalie, happy you showed up." Rosalie looked over at Charlie and smiled at her

"And I didn't come alone either." Just as she said that out of no where when several exorcist where struck that where about to make contact with both Charlie and Vaggie and they weren't normal wounds the like with the angels Rosalie killed in heaven there  flesh started crystalizes into stone within seconds until there entire bodies turned to stone including there wings, seeing that state actually horrified Vaggie

"Only two angelic hunters weapons has that ability, the sword I have. And the dagger HE has." The moment she said that Alexander reversed the cloak and turning him visible and seeing him really shocked Charlie in disbelief 

"A-Alexander Belmont?" Her saying that name many of the exorcists and even the sinners where both shocked and a little scared and even the demons that where watching the broadcast couldn't believe what they where seeing 

"I broke him out of heaven's prison after offering him a deal..." After Rosalie said that Alexander spoke up as he started to fly up higher

"And I gladly accepted that deal." Upon saying that he held the dagger that he was using in front of him and in his other hand held on the blade that drew blood

"Awaken." He motioned in other hand that bale the blood on the blade increased on his length to a longer weapon that now resembled a bloody dagger that was the shape of a crescent moon

" Croissant de lune." Saying that name the dagger was was had absorb the blood and was now blood red, though it wasn't just his dagger that changed both of his wings had turned red and bloody in matching the blade.

"It's fucking payback time."

"Huh? So that's where I get my strength/anger from?" Rosalie said that seeing how angry Alexander was when he started fighting the angels that where in the air seeing how he fought just like her and seeing so much of herself reflected from Alexander, though after saying that Rosalie had used a barrier in defending Adrianna and herself.

"Where the fuck is he? Where's my pray?" Rosalie said that while carefully looking around with an angry expression on her face, just when Adrianna was about to question her adopted mother Rosalie shot up high up in the air using her wings in getting a birds eye few and keeping her distance from Alexander.

 "There you are." Rosalie witness Adam's battle with Alastor and the second Alastor manifested himself out to safety was when Rosalie struck at Adam that caused him to crash into the sign of the hotel

"You die today and your army." Rosalie said that pointed her sword at Adam

"Your risking your your life for these, filthy sinner. Rosalie your better than this." Adam said that but Rosalie held her sword horizontal position but had a emotionless expression in her face but anger in her eyes

"Wrong.....I'm far better than YOU....pig." The second she said that she held her other hand on the end of the blade close to the handle and her eyes started glowing there golden glow as her four wings opened up wide

"éveiller." She motioned in other hand that bale the blood on the blade increased to the length of her body and stretched as she looked down not showing her face while keeping her hold on the bloody blade

"Fondant la chair." Within seconds blood started raining down right above them and the ground under Rosalie now was a pool of blood that sight shocked Adam as Rosalie held up her blood that now dropped and oozed out blood and seeing the cold expressed in Rosalie's eyes as she held the blood in front of her, even the demons that where watching from the live feed of the battle where completely shocked seeing that weapon. Even Rosalie's wings that where once golden like her magic had turned had now turned black and the only things that started the same was the golden oar that was around her.

"Play time is finally over."

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