4. Broken

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Well... That just enlightened my day.

I look out the window of my door, looking at Two. We never liked them that much and the same for them.

 Not that we hate each other or something. I observed what they were doing, it looked like they were creating blocks from existence and stacking them. I couldn't exactly know what they were doing, though.

 Oh, I mentioned that my day was enlightened. I meant that after that I was asked to go to Kitchen Sink's room with other people, and he said that he had business opportunities. I went to their room but all I saw was a bunch of boxes everywhere. 

"Welcome!" A guy said right after tumbling off some boxes. That was Kitchen Sink. "Hi," I replied. "what's with all the boxes?" 

"What's with all the boxes? Why they are the stuff I am selling!" 

"You're selling the boxes?" Blender chimes in. "No, I'm selling what's INSIDE the boxes!"   "What are you selling then? Pipes? Ha! Maybe you're starting a plumbing organization." Blender says.  "No I'm selling shaving cream!" 

"What! None of us even have HAIR!" Avocado exclaims. "You're not gonna get any sales..." Avocado continues. 

"That's why YOU'RE here!" Kitchen Sink says. "You're here for moral support! Who's gonna help me pack the boxes you ask? PDA!"

"Uhm... Yep! It's me!" PDA says kind of awkwardly. "Like I always say: I'm always here to lend a helping hand!" 

"Great! Now could you help me pack these boxes?" Kitchen sink asks. "Sure!"

It took very damn long for her to even pack one box. We can't blame her though, but Kitchen Sink was pretty impatient. "This is taking FOREVER! We need some help from a professional."

"And who may that be?" Avocado asks. Kitchen Sink pulls out his phone and makes a phone call. Immediately, someone bangs the door open.

"Make way for the technical genius Battery!" (OMG the Danganronpa reference 💀)

"Welcome, Battery! I need help." Kitchen Sink replies. "I need you to improve PDA to make her much more efficient" 

"This is gonna go wrong" Avocado sighs. "I see, follow me to my laboratory!" Battery says.

We followed Battery to a room I've been here before.

 "Wait, this is your lab?" I ask. Battery nods. "Are you saying that this isn't mine?" She replies. "Not that it isn't" She hesitates. 

"Well, If it is yours, what does this say here?" Blender asks. He points to the sign that says "Basket Ball's Overground Factory". 

 "That must be a misspelling" Battery insists. "Well, can you fix PDA?" Kitchen Sink asks, impatiently trying to change the subject. "Sure, let me see what I can do," Battery says, glad that we had a new topic to unfold. "Wait, what are you doing?" PDA asks.

"I'll just have to shut you off for a while" Battery replies, looking for the off button. She succeeds as PDA falls to the floor. "Is she ok?" Avocado asks.

 "Ofc! She's gonna be fine, I hope," Battery replies. Sparks were flying while Battery was "upgrading" PDA. VHSy walks into the room and asks: "What's going on?" 

Kitchen Sink pats him on the back. "Why, Battery's helping PDA with my business!".  "I don't think that's how PDAs work," VHSy says. "Aha! I've figured it out!"  Battery shouts. "I just need to put some special circuit into her!". "Well get on to it!" Kitchen Sink says impatiently. 

Later, it's finished and PDA has already started packing the boxes. She's surprisingly fast. Afterward, she walks to her room to take a break.

Avocado asks: "How are you even gonna sell these if we are isolated from the world?" 

"With online delivery of course!!"

"That's stupid" Blender sighs. "I'm out"

"Hey, hey! You must stay!" Kitchen sink insists. "For moral support?".  "Nope, adios!"

(Help this is the longest part I made in any story but I still need to make a part two-)

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