6. Destroyed

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We have been walking around the hotel for hours now. Two has been building strange block towers lately, probably from the last challenge of that block stacking a few months ago. I wonder when there'll be a challenge for the contestants, anyway, while I'm waiting, I'm just hanging out with my buddies Camera and Boom Mic.

We were walking around the hotel for fun like we always do. Then when we were walking in the halls of floor 3, KS came out of nowhere and asked us for help.

"Could you guys uhm... Help us with something?" 

Camera's brow furrows and they ask. "With what?"

"Uhm..." Kitchen Sink opens the door and... 

PDA laid there, probably unconscious, or even dead. Boom Mic started hyperventilating but didn't say anything. The rest of us stood there, Avocado and Blender just stood there, it seems that they were used to it. I told everyone to calm down, observing PDA.

"Oh my god, what did you guys do"

"KS did it"

I followed the sound of whoever said it, Blender was the one, looking around apathetically.

"Well, anyway," Camera says breaking the silence. "Is there anything WE can do about it?"

"NooOOoOooOOo! PDA is dead forever!" Blender ghastly says, I mean, enough with the jokes. One of our friends are dead and we just stood there.

"You know they're not dead, right?" Avocado interrupts.


"Well that's a relief" Boom Mic sighed. "But why did you call us exactly?"

"Guys!" Camera says. "I have an idea! Let's call a professional from outside of the show"

"Who do we call then?" Avocado asks. 

"Anyone! There's this Phone Fixing guy, he's apparently a professional." Blender suggests, pulling out a phone. Avocado raises an eyebrow. "Where'd you get that?"

"I had it since we fell into the floor, obviously"

"Woah, woah, woah! Are you really sure we should called that stranger?" I ask. Blender gives a lifeless stare showing that yes, we should.

"Fine, go on"

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

"Hello?" Blender asks on the phone

"Hu iszit?" They spoke in some French-German accent. "Yeah, so..."  Blander replies.

"You know how to fix phones right?"


"Can you fix PDAs?'


"Perfect! So we have this friend that is probably dead so we need-"

"Vait, izzey zed? Vy cant you recova zem?"

"Because we can't get out of..."

"Ha! You guyz got eliminated?!"

"What?! No way!"

Avocado grabbed the phone from Blender, "Let me handle this!"

"So we need some help because a friend is most likely dead and we can't go outside to recover them so-"

"Go cry avout zit, it'z not my valt zat you guyz got eliminatzed"


"God," Avocado says, "How to we help PDA now?"

"Well," Camera thinks for a second. "PDAs are from the 90's right?"

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Guess who else is from the 90's" Camera faces the door. We then see VHSy eavesdropping.

"Ah! Who, me?"

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