Ladymoth vs Hawk Moth

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Ladymoth: You may have lost your wife but you have Adrien yet you constantly ignore and are out of his life as you go around trying to get the miraculous to bring back one person. Someone you pushed to the point she is in a coma then force it on the one person that has helped you.

Hawk Moth was silent now. He just stood there, and took in everything Ladymoth said. She had a point, but he didn't want to admit it.

Hawk Moth: You do have a point Ladymoth... I didn't think about what I'm doing to Adrien at all...."He spoke in a more relaxed tone, he didn't have that sinister attitude anymore. "What have I done to him? I have to help him... I have to help my son. He deserves better."

Ladymoth(pulled up her sleeve showing the cataclysm arm ): I don't have much time left and I need this worlds ladybug and cat miraculous to make a multiverse wide wish that will affect everyone's realities

Hawk Moth seemed confused now. He looked at Ladymoth's cataclysm arm, and felt so unsure of everything. He looked back at Ladymoth once again, there was something about her that was so fascinating to him. He just didn't know what.

Hawk Moth: So... if the wish will affect everyone's realities, does it mean I would have Emily back then?

He was just confused by everything, he was still unsure of what was going on. He just wanted to understand what this Wish was all about.

Ladymoth: This world is the prime world so if wished correctly multiple realities could be affected at the same time. The problem is there's still the what to give up.

Hawk Moth (with a slight smile on his face): So... if you make a wish... everything goes back the way it was before the Akumatizations and the villains?"

Hawk Moth had hope in his tone of voice now. He wanted his wish to be granted, and he was beginning to understand it. He knew it came with a price though.

Ladymoth: Something big will have to be sacrificed for everyone to get what they want.

Hawk Moth ( his tone of voice changed again, this time it was filled with curiosity): Like what?"

He wanted to know everything about the wish, and all its rules that came with it.

Ladymoth: The thing is 15 people want to use it for different reasons yet what will equal to that?

Hawk Moth: So... in order for it to be used, we must sacrifice what we want the most? What is that? A person? The miracle box?"

Hawk Moth was trying to take this all in, he felt so confused once again. His thought process was filled with thoughts, as he had so many questions about this whole wish thing.

Ladymoth: I brought someone here that's known as wish marinette. She tried to have a proper family, Sabine's alive and Tom is nice, not abusive yet the wish gave her what she wanted yet there was two. The marinette you know and her life and then the wish realm version that remembers the scars of her world and doesn't have a family as she watches prime marinette enjory the life she wanted. The wish is cruel like that.

Hawk Moth: The wish realm version sounds so tragic. I can't believe the wish is so cruel to her, that sounds horrible. She doesn't deserve that, that is so sad to hear.

Hawk Moth's tone of voice was so sad and sympathetic, he couldn't believe the situation was so tragic. He never thought that the wish would be this cruel to Marinette. He just felt so sad to hear this news, as it was just so heartbreaking.

Ladymoth: Wish Marinette was like you yet apparently the wish deamded her to far gone. Marinettet didn't exist so it brought her to a world where she watched prime marinette, the one you know live the life she wanted. Even after losing her mother, her father abused her for years until he went to prison, then lost her girlfriend and found out she is mean and is nothing like the one she knew.

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