The collusion

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Everyone from the multiverse had gathered together to find one way to save this. It was a difficult task to do, but they wanted to at least find one way to help everyone. Time was ticking, nothing could wait forever and they knew it. They had to find a answer to the multiverse, they had to save as much of the multiverse that they could right now as every second counted now. Everyone pitched different ideas about what to do next.

Lady Paplion: We should  find every single miraculous user all over the multiverse.

Ryoku: No, we should  create some kind of machine that would fix the multiverse as it was right now.

Disinfigured Marinette: What if we could go back in time to fix everything before it was broken.

Ladybug: What if we gather every ladybug miraculous and every one use the power combined?

(Everyone in the room seemed to agree with this as a plan, as it would be able to help everyone in the end. Ladymoth had a really good idea right now. Everyone then was in agreement to collect all the Ladybug Miraculouses, and use their power to fix the multiverse as much as possible. This was going to be a lot of work, but the multiverse really needed their help. Time was ticking....)

(Montage of miraculous holders jumping between dementions thanks to lady Paplion's power as they recruit every ladybug in the multiverse. Some of the worlds they visited was a really painful, everyone suffered in. These worlds looked so bad right now, many of the universes they visited was really hurting right now. The prime heroes couldn't believe what they saw in different worlds. They wanted to fix everyone's worlds, but it started to feel like a never ending task. Everyone was tired, exhausted, but they had to do this. They couldn't give up, this task was too important to just give up. The multiverse counted on them now.)

(Everyone finally came back with every single lady bug miraculous. They were all exhausted after jumping through the multi verses. Everyone knew one thing, they couldn't wait any longer. They had to do this right now, to see if this really could help them fix the multiverse...Ladymoth looked to the prime Marinette)

Ladymoth: You should do it, Marinette

(She got nervous and second guessing)

Prime Marinette: No,no,no,no.....

Ladymoth: It has to be you, you are the folcle point of the multiverse.

(The other heroes all looked at Marinette, they were all in agreement that it should be her who uses the miraculous. Marinette was shocked, but she knew that she couldn't give up now. Everyone had hope in her, they also expected her to be in that role. She didn't disappoint them, as she put her two miraculous up on her fingers and started to transform... Her eyes turned green before suddenly, everyone in the room was covered in golden glitter before everything changed. A wave of white light washed over everything)

(Montage of various worlds now remade. Variants now live in a peaceful environment. Worlds were fixed and for thoes that lost everything now had them back.  Ladymoth is on her world with her wife Sabrina and her father in-law. Zoe is next to them as a little girl is playing with her toys next to them. Lady Paplion is laughing with her family and boyfriend at her house. Wish Marinette is living on prime world with Prime Marinette, the two are now sisters and she is open to this worlds Tom.  Different variants were all relaxing or doing various activities across the multiverse as there lives are much better.)

(On earth prime the heroes along with Ladymoth, Sabrina, Zoe and Wish Marinette are talking)

Marinette: Its all done. Everyone in the multiverse finally had peace.

(Marinette was finally back on earth prime, and she felt great to be back. She now knew that all of the work was all worth it in the end. Everyone was finally safe and they knew that the work they did together in the end was worth it. All of their time and effort was finally over now.)

Ladymoth: Thank you Marinette

(She had a big smile on her face as she looked around the room at everyone being happy.)

Sabrina: Yeah, with your help we all have found the peace we've been waiting for.

Zoe: Now we can enjoy the lives we deserve.

Marinette: Your welcome,

Wish Marinette: Right, sister.

( Everyone was happy, relieved and at last... they had made peace for all the worlds in the miraculousverse.)

Miraculous ladybug: the darkness of the miraculous VerseWhere stories live. Discover now