The battle

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The prime Ladybug, Cat Noir, Rena Rouge, Vesperia, Carapace, Viperion, Pegasus, King Monkey, Ryuko, Bunnyx, Pigella, Polymouse, Purple Tigress, Minotaurox, Rooster Bold, Caprikid, Miss Hound, and Argos faced off Ladymoth and her miraculous villains of the multiverse.

Gabriel: This is just...

He just watched as the heroic team now faced off against these alternate villains. It was all so crazy to see, it was like a battle they were supposed to lose. But then... Gabriel had a thought.

Gabriel: The miraculous are the strongest weapons in the multiverse. Could the prime miraculous of the universe beat this... this invasion..?

Ladymoth appeared before her army

Ladymoth: Not every world is as great as yours. Most as you can see have dealt with greater darkness then you have ever known.

The prime heroes were now thinking about what they would have to do now. It was their only choice now, they had to use the miraculous if they wanted to stop Ladymoth and her alternate villains. They would make it work, even if they were scared to try.

All together: We can do this!

Ladybug was the first one to stand up for everyone, she was the leader now. But Ladymoth was ready for a fight.

Ladymoth: Look Marinette Dupen Cheng; yeah I know who you are. You and your allies have no clue what most of us had dealt with although we will get your miraculous and use it to fix our worlds.

Ladybug: No, we won't let that happen!

Ladybug was now ready to fight, she wasn't going to give her miraculous up so easily. Ladymoth just looked at Ladybug with a smug smile on her face, she couldn't believe what she was actually about to do.

Ladymoth: We're going to use the power of the miraculous to destroy your army!

Hawk Moth just watched as the fight was going to begin, the fight against Ladymoth and her army.

Ladymoth: You barely understand anything but we do because we are variants of you.

Ladymoth showed her face as the prime heroes saw the variants that have missing limbs, eye, and other features show there all Marinette's

The prime heroes just looked in shock at these Marinettes they were facing now. They were all Marinettes, some were just so different from one another. Ladybug stepped forward, ready for the fight as Hawk Moth stayed back and watched. They had to stop Ladymoth, it was really all that could be done. They just had to win, they couldn't let anything else happen.

Ladymoth: Why should you live this utopia life compared to us? We have suffered, lost those we cared about, some have been betrayed. Some Marinette's that have lost limbs look at the other heroes. One marinette only had half a face wile the rest was machine saying that many versions of yours are heroes but in public are just as bad as a villain.

The prime heroes just looked at each other as they watched Ladymoth speak. It wasn't any of their fault what happened to these different Marinettes, they didn't know how to end any of this. They just had to fight and hope for the best. Ladymoth just smiled, knowing she could just win this fight and get the miraculous she wanted, and that's exactly what she planned on doing now.

Ladymoth: What makes you so special that you all can have everything. Most of us live in worlds where there is nothing left. Friends, family's have betrayed us, tortured us. That's how most of them have missing limbs or other body parts. Every marinette voced saying once we have the cat and ladybug miraculous of this world we can make a wish that will affect all are realities.

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