Our world Pt 2!

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I am so so soooo sorry I took a break from writing, but I'm back! Updates may be slow because of school, but I'll still try to update! Underlined means it was said in Japanese.


It had only been a day since Y/n found her favorite boy of all time standing in her living room. The boy had slept on the couch that night after refusing the bed a multitude of times. All night, Y/n had pondered ways to take the boy back to his own world.

Y/n awoke to light streaming through her window. Opening her eyes, she got up and made her way downstairs sleepily, with plans to make breakfast. What should she do today now that she has her favorite character around? They could go skating, or walking, or what about shopping? That's right, Tanjiro will need some clothes..

She made her way to the pantry, pulling out some pancake mix, careful not to be too loud and wake Tanjiro up. After finishing the pancakes, she plates them and turns around, almost dropping them being startled. Tanjiro had snuck up on her. "I'm sorry!"

Y/n's eyes lit up, recognizing the apology from animes she had watched. "It's fine!" Then she realized he didn't understand her. Right, communication would be a problem. Whipping out her phone she opened the translating app she downloaded that night. Speaking into it she told Tanjiro that breakfast was served. 

"What is it?" the robotic voice read out on behalf of the burgundy haired boy. "Pancakes! They're a common breakfast here!" Tanjiro nodded and took a bite of his breakfast. He smiled and hummed in satisfaction. "I was thinking, we could go to the mall and get you new clothes, and maybe you can see what the real world looks like!"

Tanjiro looked at her confusedly. "What's a mall?"

"It's a building with a bunch of stores in it for all kinds of things!"

Smiling, Tanjiro agreed and they both ate in silence until it was time for Y/n to get ready, and they left. Stepping outside, Tanjiro looked around, seeing all the cars around, although he wasn't sure what they were, but he found them cool nonetheless. Y/n smiled and motioned him to follow her while she walked off in the direction of the mall.

Tanjiro stared in awe of the ginormus building in front of him. 

'Cute,' Y/n thought. Wait, now that Tanjiro is here, what if he gets stuck here for a long time? Would they fall in love? Get married? Have childr- nope. There's no way he'd get stuck here forever. 

They walked into the mall and Tanjiro was all over the place, eager to explore the new world he was in. He tried on a bunch of new, modern clothes, somehow effortlessly looking good no matter what he was wearing.

"Tanjiro, how?? How do you manage to look good in everything?! That's so not fair!" Y/n pouted.

Tanjiro let out a loud laugh and smiled. "I'm not sure what you mean! You look good in everything too! You're so pretty!"

Y/n short circuited, blushing like a madman.

~2 months later~

It was two month later, and Y/n had been teaching Tanjiro english, so he knew enough to communicate. Y/n's feelings towards Tanjiro continued to grow, but no matter how much she wanted it, she knew he wouldn't feel the same. Besides, even if he did, he'd have to return home at some point. He couldn't stay. Meanwhile, Tanjiro was stuck in the same dilemma. He liked the girl, a whole lot at that, but he knew he'd have to go home at some point. The only problem was, he didn't know how or when. 

Tanjiro and Y/n sat on the couch, watching a movie Y/n wanted to show him. It was the Conjuring. Y/n loved horror movies and thought she should share them with Tanjiro. Not only that, but she could pretend to be scared so she could hold onto him.

Y/n clung to Tanjiro's arm. The red eyed boy looked over at her, giving her a questioning look. "Sorry," Y/n spoke, "I'm just a little scared." Tanjiro nodded and looked back at the movie. He didn't mind, in fact, he thought it was cute. 

After the movie ended, Tanjiro stared at Y/n, who noticed and stared back. "Is there something on my face?"

"What's the real reason you clung onto me?"

Y/n looked nervously at him, "I told you, I was scared.."

"No you weren't. I didn't smell any fear."

Y/n started to panic. She forgot he had an amazing sense of smell. What should she say? Tanjiro let out a hearty laugh. "If you wanted to hold me, you could've just said so!" He continued laughing while Y/n looked down in embarrassment. "I'm sorry!"

"Don't be, it was cute." He spoke.

Y/n looked in shock. It was now or never. As she opened her mouth to speak, a giant portal opened up and a demon walked through, immediately attacking Tanjiro. 

Tanjiro turned around and kissed Y/n, before smiling and then pushing the demon and himself back through the portal. 

It closed...

Although Y/n knew she'd most likely never get to be with him, it still hurt drastically. She was so close.. so, so close.

I'm sorry to end this on a sad note, but this is how I thought it would best end. Dm me for any requests! -Z

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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