ICU- Roman Reigns

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Prompt(s): "I just really need to have you here right now." + "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." + "Don't listen to them. Don't you EVER listen to them."
Y/N- your name
C/N- cousin's name
Y/NN- your nickname
Y/EC- your eye color
[A/N:I linked the song that inspired this fic 😌]
{First we agree that we're better as friends I delete every message that we sent try to move on with somebody less like you}
Y/N couldn't stop the tears from falling down her cheeks as she read the article her cousin C/N had sent her. He had moved on it was just a couple of weeks ago that they mutually agreed it would be better for them to just remain friends instead of complicating it by being something more but you were miserable without him. You did try to replace him but there was no replacing a man like Roman it was just something about him that had you captivated. Y/N contemplated on calling him to see if the article was true or was it just the blogs assuming that he'd moved on because he was with another woman. You went through your contacts; your finger hovered over his name.
'I can't call him.' You thought to yourself, instead of hitting the call button you hit the message button; no previous messages between the two of you popped up; you had deleted them in hopes you'd be better off without the constant reminder of him but you were only fooling yourself because everything reminds you of him.
'I just really need to have you here right now.' You typed up and sent it hoping he'd respond and not leave you on read.
Your heart fluttered as the familiar twinkle of his text tone rang through your quiet apartment; 'omw babygirl' he replied back.
Twenty minutes later a knock sounded through the apartment. Y/N slowly walked over to the door; you were nervous for the outcome of the conversation the two of you were bound to have. Y/N opened the door, moving aside so Roman could enter. Roman took in Y/N's appearance he noted that you'd been crying and instantly his over protectiveness over you showed,
"What's wrong babygirl?" He asked as he gathered you in his arms.
Y/N fell into his embrace; inhaling his scent for maybe the last time as more tears fell from Y/EC eyes. Roman hugged you tighter. "Tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it." He said as he moved y'all to the couch and sat down pulling you onto his lap.
"Everything." You managed to choke out through the tears.
"Everything is wrong. I fucked up when I said we should just be friends. I love you and you've moved on." Y/N cried.
"Moved on?" Roman questioned, "Y/NN I've been alone since we agreed to be just friends." He stated.
You sat up looking into his hazel brown eyes, "What?" You asked confused, "But those wrestling blogs said you were seeing somebody else."
Roman sighed, "Let me see it."
You grabbed your phone off of the table in front of you and pulled up the blog, "See." You said handing him your phone.
Roman let out a low chuckle after reading the article, "Babygirl that blog is full of shit and that lady I'm pictured with is Solo's wife; you didn't recognize her because you haven't met her yet but she knows plenty about you and even knows what you look like thanks to the boys." He reassured you.
"So you're not seeing anybody?" You asked again.
"No but Y/NN don't listen to them. Don't you EVER listen to them or believe those blogs understand." Roman answered as he held you a little bit tighter.
You nodded your head, "I wanna get back together; I miss you Ro."
"I miss you to Y/NN; you wanna be my girl again?" He said as he placed a gentle kiss upon your head.
"Yes I do I wanna be yours forever." You expressed.
"Good cause I'm not ever letting you go again."

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