Lover's Quarrel: Lady Gaga

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A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS/HAPPY HOLIDAY TO EVERYBODY!! I hope you enjoy this update as I work to finish up the others so if I don't get around to posting them tonight definitely look for them throughout the week!! xoxo

"My publicist called and said that he and I are and I quote "hot news" and she wants us to make an appearance like dinner or something like that." Stefani tells you as she makes her way over to the couch where you are sitting at.

"But for what reason though if you don't want anybody to know about your private life why are you giving into the spectacle like I know you're no stranger to the media or their scrutiny because you're fucking Lady Gaga but this I don't know Stef."

"It's just one little outing for show." Stefani tells you.

You sigh, "But why him of all the people you could fake date or better yet here's an idea just tell everybody about your fucking real life girlfriend."

"Y/N stop it; you're making a big deal out of nothing. He doesn't mean shit to me and it's not my fault the press speculated that Taylor and I were together because we were hanging out at the same event." She said.

"But it is a big deal Stefani! I'm your goddamn girlfriend here in private but out to the public you're a single as a Pringle." You yell at her.

Stefani stares at you intently trying to read your body language and emotions but you put of your wall.

"Stop trying to read me cause you won't figure it out just like you haven't figured out why you doing this can hurt us in the long haul." You say.

Stefani huffs, "Well fucking tell me how then Y/N!" She yells, "Don't just emotionally shut down

on me." She quietly says.

You see a tear fall from her eye and soften your stance. "Fuck." You mumble under your breath, "Baby don't cry please don't cry." The sight of her crying hurts you down to your soul.

"Then talk to me; I'm not playing into this Taylor thing to hurt you in any way." She pleads as she wipes away her tears.

"I just don't want," You begin as you feel your own tears prick your eyes, "I just don't want you to fall in love with him because he's better than me." You tell her as the treacherous tears fall from your eyes.

"Y/N; baby I love you more than anything in this world and I hope you know that." She tells you.

You nod as you wipe your tears away, "I really don't deserve you and that's the truth." You begin, "I'm not famous or anything special I'm just a regular girl from the city and I don't know why you love me the way you do."

"Baby doll you deserve the whole goddamn world and if you let me I can give it to you and I love you for all the reasons you just listed I love that you're just a regular girl cause whenever we go out and I'm not being Lady Gaga we don't get noticed right away." She says as she moves closer to you and pulls you close to her, "I'll call my publicist and tell her I don't want to do the Taylor gate; but instead I want to tell the world about my beautiful, loving, amazing girlfriend." She says; marking every compliment with a kiss to your lips.

You smile, "Are you ready for the world to know about me?" You ask.

"I'm ready if you are." She tells you with a grin.

"I'm ready." You say as you lean forward pressing a gentle kiss against her lips.

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