Chapter 3

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(Linda walked into the station and walked over to the conference room where the four others were sitting chatting about Pierce and everything else) So why did you need me here again I mean I am happy to do business calls but not all the time. (Linda asked walking in and standing in the doorway) Well our dear resident evil Pierce is back on Earth surpisingly and everyone well them more then me believe there is something wrong with him like mentally or emotionally and point is we need you to speak to him. (Lucifer sarcastically explained to Linda who just looked at him for a few seconds and the others before speaking) Alright then and where is Pierce exactly??? (Linda asked looking around at them) He's in a holding cell but I'll take you to him. (Amenadiel got up and him and Linda walked down towards Pierce's cell and Amenadiel opened it to allow her in before shutting it and telling her to just send a message when done. Pierce turned from the wall and looked over at her before turning back) Hi Pierce it's good to finally meet the guy I have heard about on and off for 5 years. (Linda said sitting on the other end of the bed as Pierce turned around and scooched back against the wall) Nice to meet you too I guess... who are you exactly. (Pierce looked at her oddly as she realized he probably heard not much if anything about her) Oh right I'm Linda and I'm a therapist and I worked mainly for Lucifer but have pretty much worked with everyone except Ella I don't think I worked with her and also Dan but ya know everyone else even your parents. (Linda explained and Pierce just looked at her oddly but looked at her shocked when she said she worked with his parents) Wait!! My parents... there alive. (Pierce freaked a little looking at her) Well your father Adam visits on and off from Heaven and your mom lives on Earth in fact she's married to Maze. (Linda explained and Pierce looked more shocked at the news but quickly composed himself) Maze... seriously she didn't have a better option... like idk she could've married like anyone else but Maze. (Linda nodded and scooched back against the wall as well and set her bag on the ground) Yea well um they aren't the reason I'm here everyone is worried that there's something wrong and I'm here to figure out what so we can help you so why don't ya help me out here and tell me what's up. (Linda explained and Pierce just frowned looking at her then looked down at his hands) It's nothing I'm fine it's just the ear infection the pain really bothers me. (Pierce lied but Linda easily could tell he was hiding something and looked concerned) Now I know that's a lie so why don't you tell me what's really going on. (Pierce sighed thinking for a moment before turning towards her) It's a lot of things honestly like just being here I honestly don't know how I returned here, everything is just really awkward now I mean no one seems to have really changed but I just feel so awkward and scared around everyone especially Lucifer perhaps because my hell loop of me having to relive killing Charlotte and then Lucifer killing me did something to me cause trust me if not for that he wouldn't really be that scary either and then just everything that's happened in the past and recently is just circling around my brain and it's driving me nuts. Going through the hell loop really makes me wonder how my brother dealt with that for so long, (Pierce went off explaining everything as Linda nodded signaling she was listening and understanding Pierce who just looked dreary after explaining and just leaned against the wall sighing and she noticed slight tears coming from his eyes) Your right Pierce no one has really changed at least that you can see or at least as much as you wanna see but we do care about you I mean Ella and Amenadiel wouldn't have gotten you help if they didn't and Chloe wouldn't have stayed at the hospital and let's be real Lucifer never would have went to the hospital to see you if he didn't at least a little. And as for the past we all know those things are in the past as much as some things might still hurt they are behind us we learned slowly how to move on and make life a little better. I mean Ella took awhile to have faith again but she did, Amenadiel found a job he really loves, Chloe and Lucifer have a daughter together and found love with each other just as Maze and your mom did, So in reality some things have changed but we are all the same people at least to an extent and we are more than happy to help with you everything but you just need to be honest with us instead of putting on a brave face and acting like nothing is wrong. (Linda explained and after Pierce smiled a little wiping his tears before looking around and then looking at Linda who smiled back) Thank you Linda that actually really helped man I am usually not this sappy hehe but I mean there's a first for everything isn't there. (Linda nodded) You understand what I said about opening up with us and being more honest when something is bothering you cause that's the most important thing. (Linda asked and Pierce nodded and actually fully smiled even as some tears were still coming she smiled back and messaged Amenadiel who came and opened the cell for her) Stay strong ok and remember what I said and I promise it will help ok. (Linda said grabbing her bag and standing up turning to look at Pierce who was wiping tears again) Got it and I will. (Linda happily nodded and patted his leg before heading out with Amenadiel who smiled a little and shut the door behind them locking it and Pierce stretched out and happily fell asleep) 

:back in the conference room:

Well is everything gonna be ok with him what's going on with him?? (Chloe asked looking over at Linda and Lucifer and Ella nodded in agreement looking over at her) He will be ok it'll definitely take some time and therapy but most of all a lot of support and everything because there's a lot of little things biggest being past memories and his eidetic memory playing tricks with his brain bringing up a lot of things from the past and stuff from recently and his obvious fear for Lucifer which is also being caused by a few things so it'll be a minute before he's perfectly ok but he's much better now than he was. My best advice is to just be there for him no matter how hard it is Lucifer. I am mainly saying you cause your the one he's really fearing right now. (The four of them nodded and thanked Linda for coming in and talking with him she then said her goodbyes and heading out back for her office leaving the four of them relieved that Pierce was gonna be ok)

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