Chapter 6

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(Lucifer walked into the conference room with a laptop and sat down working on something it has been a couple weeks since Pierce had returned and everyone had gotten back in their normal routines. Chloe had been spending time with Aurora and Trixie, Ella and Amenadiel had gotten used to Pierce being around and Lucifer well he stayed the same) Typing a book? (Pierce sarcastically asked walking in and sitting down) Nah nothing interesting although you might think you're an intriguing thought. (Lucifer said sarcastically as Pierce just laughed) Hey man I never said it was about me! Besides I might be the least interesting person to write about. (Pierce got up and went and grabbed his copy of the file from today's case and sat back down) What did ya just get into work or are you just so out of it you never grabbed it? (Lucifer asked) Just got in actually was with Linda this morning you know cause therapy. Trust me these therapy sessions are the most open I've ever been with people. (Pierce looked down at the documents and read them) Yes well it certainly makes you more bearable before you were a pain to just look at. (Lucifer said sarcastically as Pierce just smiled and Adam walked in and sat down next to him, Lucifer then said his goodbye and headed off to Ella's room) What are ya doing here dad I thought you'd be halfway somewhere else by now. (Pierce said as he closed the file and pushed it to the side) Well I figured after what happened the one day you might need someone to talk to so I showed back up also cause I know obviously you're mom won't do it. Are you doing ok ya know after we blew up at your mom?? (Adam asked as Pierce frowned and turned his head looking away, Adam then pulled Pierce and his chair closer causing him to turn back and look at him) I guess I mean it wasn't fun blowing up at her I just didn't like the fact that she always seems to just care about Abel and never seems to care about me I mean I was gone since I was five and not once did she worry or try to look for me at least you worried. (Pierce wiped a few tears and then just smiled slightly) This stuff gets sappier everytime it's kinda weird. Fix me dad this sucks!! (Pierce said as Adam just wrapped him in a hug and laughed and they both joked around with each other till Pierce left to catch up on the case with Ella and Amenadiel) 

:two days later: 

That was a pretty eventful day with your son don't ya think. (Maze said sitting down with a bowl of cereal) I guess I mean I know I never cared much for Adam but the fact he took Cain's side over mine just kinda hurt ya know. (Eve said as she rolled her eyes and sat back against the chair as Maze shrugged) I mean I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Abel wasn't and isn't exactly a sweetheart actually he could be worse than Cain. I think Adam is just doing something that you'd never do. (Maze explained continuing to eat her cereal) And what is that exactly?? And in what way is Abel just as bad as Cain or worse? (Eve said sitting up in the chair as Maze set down her spoon) He's actually showing Cain that at least someone in his family believes him since you know Seth isn't around to do it. And please Eve, Abel wanted to kill Cain just as much Cain wanted him dead and Abel was a jerk towards women always making disgusting flirty comments and chasing after them cause all he thought about was food and women as least Cain had some decency and didn't chase women around like a creep. Trust me there's a reason Abel ended up in hell in the first place and became it's longest tenant and trust me it wasn't Cain's fault. (Maze explained getting up and taking care of her dishes as Eve took in everything) But I don't get it, to me Cain was always the worser child I could never see it as Abel being worse. (Eve said standing up and walking towards the living room) Eve sweetie that's cause you never allowed yourself to for once think about your other kids and only saw what you and god wanted to see in Abel and not see what everyone saw even what your other two boys saw. Cain ran off when he was five cause he felt that he wasn't wanted so he left and for 8 years you lied to Seth and the girls that you had no idea what happened to Cain until Cain killed Abel cause you didn't want to admit you and him were the reason Cain left. Didn't you ever think Seth. Aclima, and Azura deserved the chance to at least know Cain was ok and at least who he was. (Maze explained walking out towards the living room as Eve understood what she was saying) Trust me Cain has made some mistakes and some huge ones too but he was well respected as a lieutenant both here in Los Angeles and back in Chicago I mean he committed his life bringing bad people to justice and protecting others and he is compassionate cause when they went after Cain's decoy Sinnerman he told Lucifer to keep Chloe out of the search for the sake of protecting Trixie he has a good side that may be somewhat bigger than Abel's but that doesn't mean that he isn't too a jerk just not as big of one. Trust me I know Cain isn't your most favorite person but he's still your son and he needs you even if he can't admit it. (Maze continued explaining and Eve nodded smiling slightly and they left to do some bounty hunting)

:back in the LAPD:

( Meanwhile Pierce was sitting in his office zoning out as he read the case file and Chloe walked in with a box and looked at him akwardly for a second before setting the box down) Pierce?? (Eve said as Pierce snapped back into reality and looked up at her) Oh hi sorry was just um reading the case and must've lost touch with life for a second, what's up. (Chloe smiled awkardly and grabbed the box off the chair these are for you from Linda, Amenadiel, and your dad they figured you'd enjoy the stuff. (She handed him the box and he looked at it before setting it down and opening staring in at a bunch of random things but the one thing that caught his eye was an envelope that said from Seth on it he grabbed it and opened it looking at it, Adam had gone up to heaven and got Seth to write him a note he also picked up a picture that was taken of him, Michael, Wesley and Lyla when they were kids it brought him back to when him and his friends used a stone to time travel to the future and bring futuristic things back with them) Who are those three people?? (Chloe asked looking at the picture) Childhood friends we used to have a stone that allowed us to time travel so we would travel to the future and bring things from that time back with us. I lost touch with them after I was exiled to the Land of Nod really sucked but I never forgot about them. (Pierce explained as Chloe went wide eyed at the mention of time travel) Wait you could time travel too this stuff is getting more confusing cause mine and Lucifer's daughter Aurora used time travel to come back in time and solve why Lucifer was never around for her it was insane. (Chloe explained as Pierce just smiled oddly) Well the four of us used a stone to move between time periods but celestials might have different abilities considering they're not regular humans. (Chloe nodded and they both continued looking through the box at all all the things and Pierce continued telling her stories of everything)

AN: Hope you like this chapter I am trying to build a story of the past and sorta move forward with some characters like Maze and Eve and some relations like Pierce with Lucifer and Adam.

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