Chapter 9

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(Chloe and Trixie sat at the table in their apartment while Aurora ran around the room with her horses) Are you sure you are gonna make it to my school festival I'd hate for you and Aurora to miss it. (Trixie asked putting her books in her backpack and zipping it) Yes I'm sure I will leave work for a bit when I get Aurora from preschool and we will head there. (Chloe said getting up and cleaning off the table and counters until she heard a knock at the door) Wonder who that is. (Chloe opened the door and Pierce was standing there) Oh good morning Pierce I didn't know you were coming we were just getting ready to leave. (Chloe explained as Trixie and Aurora came running to the door) Oh yea I was just coming to offer a ride ya know if you'd like one and hi girls it's nice to see you. (Pierce said as Aurora and Trixie smiled at him) Hi Pierce nice to see you again too hey I have a festival at my school and maybe you can come when my mom leaves work to get Aurora from Pre K and goes! It'll be fun!!! (Trixie exclaimed) Sure I'd love to come but we should probably getting going ya'll don't wanna be late.
(Pierce said as they left and dropped Aurora and Trixie off then headed to the station)

:4 hrs later:
(Chloe walked into Pierce's office as he was putting files away and cleaning up the garbage) You ready to go I need to get Aurora from Pre K. (Chloe asked and Pierce nodded grabbing his car keys and they left) I thought you had a motorcycle what happened to it? I am pretty sure I saw you with it a couple days ago. (Chloe asked sitting back in the seat and looking at Pierce) I do but motorcycles aren't exactly the best vehicles for grocery shopping and pretty much any type of shopping. (Chloe nodded as they pulled up to the preschool)

:At the high school:
You guys made it! (Trixie exlaimed running up and hugging Chloe and Pierce and picking up and hugging Aurora) Well we said we'd be here didn't we. Besides I wouldn't miss fun! (Pierce joked and Chloe just smiled and shook her head as Trixie grabbed Pierce's hand and dragged him to a table) Sit down I am painting unicorns on your face and then my mom's and sister's. And then I will show you guys where desserts and snacks are. (Pierce smiled and they sat down in the chairs with Aurora and they all got unicorns painted on their cheeks and then went to the snack table and enjoyed the rest of the festival together and even took some pictures together)

:2 days later:

(Chloe walked into work and set the framed picture of her, the girls, and Pierce down on the desk and sat down looking over the file from today's case) You guys looked like you had the best time. (Maze joked as her and Eve walked up to her desk and looked at the photo) We did Pierce is honestly more fun to be around and he loves those girls and they seem to really love him. (Chloe said smiling at them and looking over to the conference room where Pierce was in a meeting with some officers) Well Trixie seemed to always have a connection with anyone she meets. (Maze said jokingly) Yea I know I remember Trixie's reaction to finding out about Pierce and me she was happy to know he made me happy, I remember all three of us sharing chocolate cake together, and walking into her asleep next to Pierce. (Chloe said reminiscing the memories as Maze and Eve smiled) Kids are so innocent but Trixie she's something special. (Eve said as her and Maze got a new bounty so they got up and left saying goodbye to Chloe who said bye and went back to the case)

:Eve/Maze home:

Man that was an exhausting day. (Eve said falling back onto the couch and sighing) Yea well that's work for ya, it's gonna be exhausting. (Maze said as the phone rang so she went and picked it up) Hello? What's up?
(Maze asked to Chloe who was on the other line and Chloe explained that there's a new case and Pierce wanted to know if Eve and Maze wanted to work on it even though their work was already done for the day) Um yea I'll ask Eve then let ya know and if Yea we'll head over. (Maze hung up and talked to Eve about the case and they decided to go work on the case so they left to meet Chloe, Ella, and Pierce at the scene)

:At the crime scene:
Someone didn't have a good night... ouch. (Eve said as they walked up and looked down at the body) That's for sure bashed the skull at least 3 times and stab wounds on the chest at least 5. (Ella said as she finished taking pictures and put the camera away) Glad you two could join us we need all the help we can get. (Pierce said walking up to them after talking with some officers and Eve and Maze smiled and nodded) Me miss the chance to work with my son more today and catch a bad guy why would I miss out on that! (Eve sarcastically stated at Pierce just smiled and rolled his eyes and went back to explain the other information they had on the case and stuff and they all wrapped up and headed back to the station)

:2 hours later (11pm):

You look half asleep LT. (Ella joked walking into Pierce's office and setting a file down on his desk and he looked up grabbing the file and peering at it) Yea I never stayed up this late at least not when working. I have a feeling I will be needing a good amount of coffee. (Pierce joked as Ella laughed and nodded in agreement) I can get you another cup if ya need it. (Ella said smiling) You don't gotta do that Ella I can get it myself when I eventually muster energy to stand up haha. (Pierce said sitting up straight and taking a better look at the file as Ella just grabbed his mug) I insist I'll get it be right back. (Ella quickly headed out the office and to the coffee station as Pierce just smiled and shook his head sitting back and filling some papers out) Getting tired Ella?? (Amenadiel joked walking up to her as she poured the coffee) No this is for Pierce any longer he goes without coffee or something for energy he is gonna fall asleep and fall out his chair. (Ella put the cream and sugars in the coffee as Amenadiel nodded and walked back to his desk and Ella stirred the coffee and took it to Pierce who thanked her and started drinking some)

:3 hrs later (2am):
(Everyone decided to call it quits for the night and they all headed home except for Pierce who just sat back on his couch in the office and continued looking over the papers and files from the case) Are you sure you're fine Pierce I can give you a ride home if you don't think you can safely make it home. (Amenadiel asked peering into his office as Pierce looked up at him) Yea Yea I'm fine just get some sleep ok. (Pierce said and Amenadiel nodded still worried and just left for heaven for the night)

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